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97 E-150 5.4 cold start problem

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Dec 28, 2007, 12:53 PM

Post #1 of 1 (1800 views)
post icon 97 E-150 5.4 cold start problem Sign In

My 97 E150 5.4 Triton has trouble with cold starts,runs fine after and start and runs fine on warmer days but if it sits overnight in cold weather it will just crank and crank and crank,eventually starting if you cross your fingers it has been in the shop twice,replaced battery,starter,TPS , fuel filter,and vacuum and fuel pressure test and he saide he adjusted something , it ran well after each time to the shop but i continue to have trouble.It seems that Ford has cold start issues .Ive done some research and it could be a plethera of things such as:cam sensor, crank sensor ,TBS,TTS what ever that is ?,coolant temp sensor,throttle body sticking{recall #00V422000}?,some sort of cold start valve?, fuel pump reset switch ,bad spark plug wires where do i start my wife is mad for buying this thing and i dont know where to start besides just taking it to the dealer and getting raked over the coals

(This post was edited by steve4764 on Dec 29, 2007, 10:46 AM)


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