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99 Dodge 1500 Ram Van 5.9 eng 163, 000mi

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car dawg
New User

Sep 15, 2012, 4:39 PM

Post #1 of 5 (3034 views)
99 Dodge 1500 Ram Van 5.9 eng 163, 000mi Sign In

The van was running when came to stop at light. When I went to proceed as I gave it gas it started bogging down & had no power. I barely made it into parkingl lot. When I put it n park & trIed reving up the motor it wanted to stall. Vehicle towed hm. I cleaned the air idle control valve & replaced & vehicle ran fine for 4 days. Then it did the same thing again. So I replaced the part. Then the engine ran worse & would not even stay runnIng after started. I was told O2 sensors were the cause. Bought both & chg'd out & now I can't get the van to even start. The ECM was replaced about a yr ago. I bought a scanner to try and see what codes mIght come up; but the machIne can't read anythIng & all I get is " No PowertraIn DTC's or freeze Frame Data Is stored presently on ur vehIcles computer". However the O2S, HTR, & CAT Icons blInk on thIs scanner lettIng me know those systems can't b read. Anyone have any ideas??

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 15, 2012, 4:59 PM

Post #2 of 5 (3006 views)
Re: 99 Dodge 1500 Ram Van 5.9 eng 163, 000mi Sign In

I don't know if you are aware of it or not but that user name you chose is rather insulting to the very people that you are asking for help. I'd suggest you change it in "profile edit"

None of the things you are replacing will cause a no start.

All "crank, no start" conditions are approached in the same way. Every engine requires certain functions to be able to run. Some of these functions rely on specific components to work and some components are part of more than one function so it is important to see the whole picture to be able to conclude anything about what may have failed. Also, these functions can ONLY be tested during the failure. Any other time and they will simply test good because the problem isn't present at the moment.
If you approach this in any other way, you are merely guessing and that only serves to replace unnecessary parts and wastes money.

Every engine requires spark, fuel and compression to run. That's what we have to look for.

These are the basics that need to be tested and will give us the info required to isolate a cause.

1) Test for spark at the plug end of the wire using a spark tester. If none found, check for power supply on the + terminal of the coil with the key on.

2) Test for injector pulse using a small bulb called a noid light. If none found, check for power supply at one side of the injector with the key on.

3) Use a fuel pressure gauge to test for correct fuel pressure, also noticing if the pressure holds when key is shut off.

4) If all of these things check good, then you would need to do a complete compression test.

Once you have determined which of these functions has dropped out,
you will know which system is having the problem.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

car dawg
New User

Sep 16, 2012, 10:01 PM

Post #3 of 5 (2957 views)
Re: 99 Dodge 1500 Ram Van 5.9 eng 163, 000mi Sign In

Hammer Time or Sir Paul McCartney,
My apologies if my "old" user name offended u or any other auto mechanic out there. The name I had used was, back n my father's day, a term used by mechanic's & was a badge they wore wIth honor.

I guess the "user name" I had chosen to use could be mIstaken In a negatIve manner. I guess the same way men & women who wear a badge & unIform, lIke I dId for 20 yrs., could be offended every tIme we were called a pIg. However I looked at "pig" as an acronym standIng for Pride, Integrity, & Guts! But once again my user name was "NOT" used as a malicious acronym unlIke people who call PolIce OffIcers pIgs.

I had no idea that mechanic's anywhere felt that way. So thanks for letting me know & anyone who mIght have been offended plz accept my apology.

If my father was still alive I would have asked hIm. I learned most of what I know about car repairs from working along side him. a couple of frIends who do most of theIr car repaIrs themselves had stopped by & were puzzled as well.

As for the problem on the van, ur right on it wouldn't cause a "No Start". I am aware of the 3 basics fuel, spark, & compression. I was puzzled as to how the problem arose resolved then was back. The van gets horrIble gas mIlage & we have a trIp planned & needed to do a tune up anyways. I did find a plug wire that the connector had somehow come apart inside the rubber boot. I am planning to get replacement tomorrow and see where that leads.

If it doesn't I'll ck ur suggestions & see what I come up with. It appears to be getting fuel as I can here the fuel pump come on & can smell gas while trying to start. So the other two possibles r as u said spark or compression.

Thx again.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 17, 2012, 3:15 AM

Post #4 of 5 (2944 views)
Re: 99 Dodge 1500 Ram Van 5.9 eng 163, 000mi Sign In

"Hearing" the fuel pump and assuming it works isn't good enough. You really need to use a gauge.

PS: I don't think anyone wants to be called any kind of "monkey"


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Sep 17, 2012, 3:22 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 17, 2012, 4:31 AM

Post #5 of 5 (2932 views)
Re: 99 Dodge 1500 Ram Van 5.9 eng 163, 000mi Sign In

Actuall hurry and get the fuel pressure. If the dang thing just runs well for a while it will mess you all up (have the t-shirt on those) and might be rent-able but dunno. Not all that much for a basic one for just this vehicle.

Had one fool me for quite a while always right when tested then BAM did it when I was ready - pumped but not enough pressure but close. A GM thing on some that don't like being off a couple Lbs of pressure.

Not fast for me to find but will try to find the range you should see with just key on engine off (KOEO) test,



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