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99 suburban-rebuilt motor-won't start

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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Oct 6, 2014, 3:34 AM

Post #51 of 52 (1026 views)
Re: 99 suburban-rebuilt motor-won't start Sign In

This is quite the novel of interest. Do you know a guy from Illinois by any chance? Never mind that.

At some point you need to consider what the time period of non use must have caused but start a new thread when you get there as this is almost page three. Brakes! If dead still for that long maybe tires NG anymore. A full check like you just got an unknown vehicle. If you care about A/C I'd disable it now from engaging till time to check that out and NOW put PB on any lines that may need ever to be replaced for a chance they will come apart.

Good show on this. Take care of it you've got a bunch of grandkids counting on you not to mention your wife!



Oct 8, 2014, 1:31 PM

Post #52 of 52 (1011 views)
Re: 99 suburban-rebuilt motor-won't start Sign In

In conclusion;

1) If your security light flashes or comes on at all, even if for a brief period of time, you have a security issue.
2) The security system on this 99' multi port injection cuts off the injectors not the fuel pump. Testing the fuel pressure will not tell you if the security system is shutting it down.
3) If you try the 10 minute routine as a fix for your security issue and the light does not blink or stay on for the 10 minutes, the fix is not going to work. When I installed the resistor, then it blinked the 10 minutes.
4) This forum is awesome, first time I had ever tried the online help thing.
5) Sorry I was so long winded

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