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Battery Or Alternator???!!!????

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Feb 12, 2008, 1:59 PM

Post #1 of 8 (1588 views)
Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

Ok...I have a 1997 Nissan Altima and yesterday morning, I start my car (just fine) but I noticed that my Battery, Brakes and Airbag lights were on. I'm in Chicago and it's cold so I thought that was the reason for the lights coming on. I thought that was the reason. I get to work and park in the garage...not thinking too much of it hoping that everything would be normal on my way home. On my way home, the lights are still on so now I'm nervous trying to make it home about 25 miles south. Driving a mile or so, I notice the lights in my car and headlights are car dies on mile 4! I was trying to start it, but nothing...not even a click. I tried charging the battery and my lights and things came on but it will not turnover...not even a click. I'm being told that it's not the battery but the alternator.

Please advise.

Double J
Veteran / Moderator
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Feb 12, 2008, 2:07 PM

Post #2 of 8 (1584 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

Definitely sounds like an alternator problem... the battery light will come on if its discharging,the air bag light and abs lights will come on due to low/no voltage...
How old is the battery,if its more than 3-4 years old,,replace it as well...sometimes it takes a beating (for lack of a better word)from a discharging system ...If it's not that old,it should take a charge...remember a discharged battery can take up to 8 hours to fully charge....charging at a rate of 30 amps for 30 minutes at a time...until fully charged...autozone can check the battery and alternator for you......

BTW....I'm from Chicago area....spent many a day/night driving Stony Island to and from work....25 years...
I too drove 25 miles south from 'burbs...

Good luck....

New User

Feb 12, 2008, 2:37 PM

Post #3 of 8 (1580 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

Thanks a million my fellow Chicagoan! I'll go to AutoZone to have my battery and alternator tested! I appreciate this.

Take Care.

Double J
Veteran / Moderator
Double J profile image

Feb 12, 2008, 2:43 PM

Post #4 of 8 (1577 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

 Your very welcome!

Post back how you make out.....

I'll help any way I can...

Finally a fellow Chicagoan...MAN.... do I take a beating from a couple guys here about being from

Veteran / Moderator
way2old profile image

Feb 12, 2008, 4:41 PM

Post #5 of 8 (1569 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

Now JIM N, who in the world would pick on you?? Surely no one in thes forum would do anything like that.Angelic Good answer Jim.
Shoot, JIM N. If he was in Lexington, I would dru=ive across town and fix it for him.Laugh That is the Southern touch.

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds

(This post was edited by way2old on Feb 12, 2008, 4:44 PM)

Double J
Veteran / Moderator
Double J profile image

Feb 13, 2008, 2:16 PM

Post #6 of 8 (1560 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

Hey ..thats the way we do it here too............

For a minute there I got scared....then I looked again..."WHEW" did put a comma between Shoot and Jim.....

I hear you Kentucky boys can shoot the the eyes off a gnat at 50 paces in a deep fog...

Veteran / Moderator
way2old profile image

Feb 13, 2008, 4:45 PM

Post #7 of 8 (1558 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

Fifty paces is where we train the babies. Once you learn, we shoot from mountain top to mountain top. If wind is right, might be able to send a bullet to your back yard. Just let me know when you are inside in case the wind changes.Tongue

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds

Double J
Veteran / Moderator
Double J profile image

Feb 14, 2008, 3:28 PM

Post #8 of 8 (1553 views)
Re: Battery Or Alternator???!!!???? Sign In

I stand corrected....I should have known better...BlushTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongueTongue


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