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Engine ran out of oil and shuts off when taking foot of gas

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Sep 27, 2013, 10:29 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1502 views)
Engine ran out of oil and shuts off when taking foot of gas Sign In

This is my first post on this forum.

So, here's my problem.

My 2003 3.8L Chevy Impala LS stalled yesterday after I drove it for about a mile and a half. The 'low engine oil' light came on before it stalled. I was stopped at a red light before it stalled and it started to jerk. I kept my foot on the gas so that it doesn't stall until the light turned green and I made it to a parking lot.

I checked the dipstick and it was very very low. I poured two quarts. The engine turns and starts when pressing the gas pedal but shuts off when taking the foot of the pedal. It did this several times when I tried to start it up before finally giving up.

I know the engine is not seized otherwise it would not start.
What has me concerned is I saw some white smoke (not much) come from under the hood as I was pulling into the parking lot when my car stalled. The steering wheel locked up when it stalled.

It's very possible the oil that was in there was dirty.

My question is it safe to drive the car to a mechanic (few miles away) in this condition since I can get the engine to start and drive it by keeping the foot on the gas pedal?
Would that cause additional damage to the car?
Also, does anyone have any idea as to what could be wrong with the car?

Thank you.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Sep 27, 2013, 11:24 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1490 views)
Re: Engine ran out of oil and shuts off when taking foot of gas Sign In

I wouldn't chance it. I'd have it towed until you find out how serious it is..


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