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Engine stalls out on decelleration

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Apr 17, 2009, 4:56 PM

Post #1 of 20 (1618 views)
post icon Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

I have a 92 Honda accord that stalls when I slow down and sometimes when I come to a complete stop. There is not fault codes. I recently replace EGR Valve which was sticking. I also put new wires and plugs on it. I noticed that it happens when I get to about a half tank of gas. I was told that it may be a vacuum leak but I didnt see any hoses out of place. I was also told that it was the high concentration of ethynol in the fuel so I put some fuel additive in it. Cold this be the throttle position sensor or some type of other sensor....???

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Apr 17, 2009, 5:15 PM

Post #2 of 20 (1617 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

southensoldier; Try plugging off the EGR valve vacuum source, just for testing. The EGR will open at cruise speeds and should close once the throttle closes, under decel. If for some reason it's staying open, that can cause the issue you are experiencing. Of course, there are other causes. A sticky or faulty idle air control motor, or over-fueling, lean condition, ect. Nothing comes to mind that fuel level would have any effect?
SW Washington


Apr 17, 2009, 6:14 PM

Post #3 of 20 (1611 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Thanks, I will try pluggin off the EGR, but I just replaced it like 2 days ago. And as for the IAC, it idles normally. There is no erratic idling of the engine.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 18, 2009, 3:21 PM

Post #4 of 20 (1594 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

">I noticed that it happens when I get to about a half tank of gas. <"
Just a thought based on that comment:

It may have an evap emmission issue. If the will self correct with simply removing and replacing the gas cap when at half a tank that would be great info and a new course to chase down. Sometimes gas caps gets mixed up and nutty issues are caused by that alone. Just a wild thought as you said it was so related to when gas was lower,



Apr 19, 2009, 3:09 AM

Post #5 of 20 (1587 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Really not clear on what you are saying, but I just filled it up (AGAIN)and it no longer stalls (For now). So are you saying just remove and replace the gas cap once it starts to stall at half a tank, and this may solve the problem, and what do you mean by evap issue....???

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 19, 2009, 3:35 AM

Post #6 of 20 (1584 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

What I'm suggesting is the possible evap emission controls are screwing up - no more no less.

Loren - shoot me if on the wrong tangent on this (inside thing)

What might be happening is the NORMAL vacuum (slight) in the gas tank to cause a recirculation of vapors is messed up. A newer car would give you a code for that but I doubt a 1992 anything.

Your gas tank is not flexible like a nursing bottle so as fuel leaves a vacuum is created and displaced by air but under some controls even as far back as 1992. Could just just be the wrong gas cap!

Note: a Gas cap is more than meets the eye. It knows pressures either positive or negative and is vehicle specific. It could be the right one and just failed. Leaving it loose would in a 1992 model SHOULD rule that out - AYOR as I'm not here to suggest anything of any danger and loose or NO gas cap is not a suggested thing to do except for a test,


Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Apr 20, 2009, 4:16 PM

Post #7 of 20 (1566 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Tom; I'm loading now. LOL...
Actually, an excellent idea...We've had a couple of cars in the past six months that had defective gas caps. One had a plastic tank that nearly imploded. Definitely worth a try!
SW Washington

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 21, 2009, 1:43 AM

Post #8 of 20 (1559 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Your Loading NOW!

Watch out for KittyWink

I'm WAY behind on catching up with stuff here,

Keep on keepin' on,



Apr 28, 2009, 12:31 PM

Post #9 of 20 (1534 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

How long do you thing it should take to correct itself if it is indeed the fuel cap, if loosened or replaced? And if this doesnt resolve the problem any more suggestions that will be a sure fix, such as disconnecting and removing or just simply replacing replacing the tank ????

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 28, 2009, 1:06 PM

Post #10 of 20 (1530 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

If that was THE issue you would likely hear a whoosh but perhaps not. Once the car had the issue where it stalled out as if out of gas there could have been some air in lines and might take a couple starts then would be stable again - REMEMBER - THAT'S ONLY IF THIS IS THE ISSUE!

If that worked then do whatever it takes to get the right cap as they are critcal to the evap emissions system. It's not a good solution to leave it loose so it really should be fixed. If a known new proper cap doesn't fix this there is a problem with the evap emission system the needs to be chased down would be my guess.

Perhaps you have a borderline fuel pump which works better when it's cooler with new gas and more of it. Catching this in the act with pressure testing would be informative info if so.

Question about this? Are you just filling the car up for now to avoid this? If so from the gauge reading half is it taking a credible amount of fuel to filll it? If it's taking close to the listed tank's capacity from where it reads half that could be the issue - YOU ARE CLOSE TO RUNNING OUT OF GAS and that could be fooling with the diagnosis??



Apr 29, 2009, 1:52 AM

Post #11 of 20 (1515 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

No it doesnt take much gas to fill up once it starts to stalling. Im now just tryin to empty the tank and see what happens with a full fresh tank. It does this whether hot or cold, as far as the fuel pump is concern. I will just get another cap and see what happens also, may just go to dealer instead of part store. But i know that cap is less than 2 years old, but who knows it just may be the problem.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 29, 2009, 4:45 AM

Post #12 of 20 (1512 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

OK: Even a known new gas cap could have failed or been wrong! Too cheap in the course of things not to try again. As most know it's easy to get them switched at busy gas stations too.

The amount of fuel DOES matter as it's constantly recirculating so ambient temps don't count totally - it's a matter of the thing is getting cooled by a high volume of fuel the does matter.

Vehicles with a history of running out of fuel have ton's of fuel pump issues! Not good for them as heat kills electric motors which they are.

Side note: The alcohols now used widely are wrecking fuel system parts! Nice!

Keep at it,



Apr 29, 2009, 5:07 AM

Post #13 of 20 (1508 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Thanks for the information. hope it is just the cap. car never ran out of gas in the 6 years I had it. since then changed the pump once. when i told the parts store about what it was doing they recommended the lucas fuel additive. and said it was the high ethynol fuel which proved not to be the problem. thanks again, hope the cap works.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 29, 2009, 5:37 AM

Post #14 of 20 (1505 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Sorry to badger this - don't forget the fuel filter. Ethanol will suspend junk in fuel much more than pure fuel - that and tidbits of erroded non tolerant parts will tax a fuel filter such that they should be a routine replaced part.

That ethanol/alch thing is causing issues at the gas stations and or delivery trucks too so the fuel ain't so clean anymore dammit!

Your car is a 92 - mine are all older than that by a long shot and I go nuts with this stuff??



May 6, 2009, 12:36 PM

Post #15 of 20 (1476 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Well, I replaced the cap and filter and no change. It still stalls, but I now notice that when going in reverse it will stop accellerating, as if the fuel supply was taken away, and then starts going again. But it never stalled out, just stumbles. So what's my next move...???

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2009, 2:08 PM

Post #16 of 20 (1469 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Thread got long so bear with me/us.

OK: This still works fine with a full tank till it reaches the 1/2 area. Maybe - the pickup screen in the tank isn't right for some reason. Pain in the butt to take out tank to fnd out! Just an idea as you've ruled out quite a bit already,



May 6, 2009, 3:29 PM

Post #17 of 20 (1463 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

I dont know if the same will happen with a full tank. I've been starting it daily and let it run for about 10-15 minutes to lessen the weight of the tank. I felt asthough I may have to take it off so I didnt fill it up. So this seems like it will be my weekend project. So the pickup screen is connected to the pump, right and will I have to adjust it or replace it??? Or does it only comes with a new pump...sure hope not...

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2009, 5:54 PM

Post #18 of 20 (1456 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

IDK what you'll find?? May have to take tank out and you are right - if it's too full it's a problem. Some don't siphon out so well but try. Sometimes taking off the filler neck you can get it close to empty amoung other tricks. Don't try to drop the thing full of gas!

Again - this may be difficult exporative surgery. Do replace any pick up screen while in there and look to see if the pick up is picking up near the bottom of tank. It might be bent or broken - can't tell from here but would explain the symptoms if found wrong.

Tank may be overwhelmed with junk too - dunno YOU need to see it - I can't from here,



May 16, 2009, 2:16 PM

Post #19 of 20 (1415 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

OK, I've removed the tank and the only thing that I did notice was the screen had come off the fuel pump....could this be the cause or is there a way to test the pick-up before putting this back together?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 16, 2009, 8:49 PM

Post #20 of 20 (1402 views)
Re: Engine stalls out on decelleration Sign In

Alone that is a problem! Not sure if that means it can't pick up fuel from a lower level. Something may be bent or damaged and need YOU to determine that now!



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