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Help Me Hammer!

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Aug 25, 2010, 6:26 AM

Post #1 of 4 (1301 views)
Help Me Hammer! Sign In I have a firebird and a month or two ago, I had a bad leak in a water hose I didn't know about, caused bad overheating, Blew out the head gasket..and the rest is history.

After we fixed her all up, I am driving down the road a while ago, and BAM she started overheating, With the Temp reaching nearly the Red line, then falling back down to under half. I pulled into a station added some water and got her home without issue. I checked under the hood and could not find a leak anywhere, ran her around for a while and decided..well..Maybe it was just time to add some I did and Upon driving her to work...BAM..Overheating again..I pullled over and let her cool a bit and within a 100 yards, overheating again, luckily I was close enough I killed the engine put her in Nuetral and Coasted to a Gas Station.

And what did I find?..Water SPEWING from my water pump...Well thats a no brainer..New water Pump..Mechanic Quoted $280.00...Screw that We can pop in that $50 part no prob..Only thing that concerned me..Upon taking it back home...I knew I was losing coolant quickly, but I had enough to get her home without issue, and she didn't overheat again on the way..BUT upon applying anything over 2500 RPM the car would shake....I mean..I could get it up to 70 or 80 and coast at that speed no prob, only during acceleration and exceeding like, 2500 does she shake. I asked the Mechanic if I might have Cracked the head/block/head gasket when it did overheat for the short time it did and he said he'd have to put in the pump first, before he could check the system, well that does make sense I suppose. But my question is.

could that spewing water pump CAUSE the shaking at over 2500, applying more throttle it forced more water out and caused the shaking?...Or do you think that I once Faced witha much larger problem?..we JUST replaced all of the Gaskets in the motor, so the Head Gaskets are new, and it's not exhibiting any of the previous signs (Water in the oil, white mist out of the tail pipe)...

what do you think?...I just don;t want to pour time, money and effort into the water pump (Even though it is only $50) to find out..It's a Cracked head..And end up looking for a new car anyway...Any Ideas?...Let me guess..Stop being cheap and pop in the pump to see if that helps?

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 25, 2010, 7:35 AM

Post #2 of 4 (1294 views)
Re: Help Me Hammer! Sign In

I wasn't there to see just how hot it got but it's certainly possible to have blown a second head gasket. Hopefully, you sent that head out to be checked and resurfaced when you did that job.

At this point you need to get it good and full of coolant and then pressure test the system to see if it holds pressure.


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Aug 25, 2010, 8:41 AM

Post #3 of 4 (1289 views)
Re: Help Me Hammer! Sign In

Ok..Ok..that's what I thought you'd say...but as Measley as $50 may sound...If the Head is gone..That's $50 I could invest towards an old beater off the side of the road...although Cash for Clunkers has made that difficult to find these days...

I just don't know if the blown water pump would cause that shaking and rattling..I mean..When pressure was applied to the system it was launching good amounts of coolant right up on my belts...So I dunno if that could cause the shaking...

And we both know I did not in fact have the heads checked...I know..I know

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 25, 2010, 9:14 AM

Post #4 of 4 (1286 views)
Re: Help Me Hammer! Sign In

I don't know what you want me to tell you. There is a suspicion of a blown head gasket but that can't be tested while the water pump is leaking.
If you know you have a misfire and you can identify which cylinders are doing it, you could examine the plugs from those cylinders to see if there is anything irregular. You could also do a compression test. That may or may not tell you something.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


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