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My 1991 Ford F150 will not start

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Jan 10, 2014, 6:36 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1345 views)
post icon My 1991 Ford F150 will not start Sign In

1991 Ford F150
5.0 v8
123k miles

I bought the truck about three days ago. I have driven it everyday a total of 78 miles and today on the way home about a mile from the house the rpm gauge stated jumping around then died. It will turn over but not fire i sat there for about a half hour turning it over and nothing. So finally a man pulled over and offered to pull start me and during that time the truck would start and run but only for a min or two then die again. Also the truck does have gas about a quarter of a tank.

What should i do?

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jan 10, 2014, 6:50 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1332 views)
Re: My 1991 Ford F150 will not start Sign In

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