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Problems starting a '96 chevy 3500

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Jul 30, 2010, 11:14 AM

Post #1 of 2 (2116 views)
Problems starting a '96 chevy 3500 Sign In

     I've searched for any related topics and haven't had much luck. First off, we live out in the boonies in west Texas, and a rat has decided that the engine compartment of the '96 chevy ck3500 we use primarily as a hay hauler and general duty farm truck would make a perfect location for a nest. It sat for a couple of weeks and the last time we went to start it, it would turn over but not start up. We, as a direct result of that, have spent the past two days cleaning it out and replacing wires that have been chewed through, making it one huge horrorshow nightmare of a problem, since we don't know if the starting problem is complexly mechanical or simply rat-related. It's a '96 6.5L turbodiesel, bout 150k miles, that has had the injector pump replaced several times, once not too long ago.
We had low batteries, but it has charged fully, and even with a jump is not enough to turn over. We have traced as many wires as possible and can find no more disconnected harnesses or chewed-through wires. We checked the glow plugs and they register as ok, so they're not just not heating. We then moved over to checking the fuel system and discovered that while we're getting diesel at the fuel bleed, we have no diesel at the injectors, neither jetting out nor just dribbling out. The leads to what appear to be a solenoid on top of the injector pump are getting voltage once the key is on. Any suggestions as to what might be keeping it from sending fuel? There had not been any indicators for a failing fuel injector pump before then, only some clutch difficulties.
We're in the process of finding our scanner and waiting on a return call from a friend, and I'll repost with any pertinent information they uncover. Thanks for the help.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Aug 3, 2010, 3:15 PM

Post #2 of 2 (2096 views)
Re: Problems starting a '96 chevy 3500 Sign In

Not a diesel tech but have an idea/clue.

All chewed up wires must be put back in tact. Solder them in and shink wrap over splice is best.

There are fail safes to shut down fuel delivery like in an accident it would stop delivering fuel.

IDK where or what area the wires for that would be. Sounds like a hunt. Try starter fluid to know if engine will at least pop or react to know that much is ok.

Keep looking for chewed wires. Not sure what else to suggest for now,



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