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Range lpg conversion, loads of smoke over heating

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Jul 26, 2012, 1:34 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1904 views)
Range lpg conversion, loads of smoke over heating Sign In

Hi, I hope someone can help me. I bought a 2002 range rover, the one with a bmw 4.4 v8. 120,000 miles. I had it converted straight away to LPG. We have had it about three weeks and done about 500 miles. I am pretty sure it was using way way way too much LPG before all this btw, I was convinced there was a leak and was about to call them. Suddenly it over heated, I stopped, it sounded like it was bubbling and white smoke came out the engine. I waited an hour, filled up the empty coolant with water and continued for about 5 miles. I was on the motorway when the engine started pounding, like the pistons were hitting the bonnet, I was doing 50 when it started, I had to slow down as the thumping started at lower and lower speeds and then it cut out at 10mph and wouldn't start. I had it recovered to an independent garage who took a quick look and said cracked head or gasket, this time when started the sump (is that correct) was over flowing in oil, water gone again. That was 2 days ago, the car hasn't moved as it cant and the water has gone again. I phoned LPG garage who said that it could not possibly have been the LPG, so I called the garage who sold me the car. They said definitely LPG and said that it sounds like something isn't connected correctly and taking water into the engine. Whose right and what can I do? Thanks a lot guys, I'm really stuck. Btw, oil is fine, no water, cream or anything wrong. Phill

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jul 26, 2012, 1:57 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1896 views)
Re: Range lpg conversion, loads of smoke over heating Sign In

IMO you are right - you are stuck. If selling garage had any warranty switching to LNG right away before proving the engine was good is now history and the garage that did the conversion may have messed up something.

About all I can say is this doesn't sound good for that engine at all and have no clue at age and miles who would want to take responsibility for this?



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