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Starting issues AFTER a simple problem

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New User

Jan 27, 2015, 12:08 PM

Post #1 of 9 (2452 views)
  post locked   Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

I've learned a lot in the last two years and have a lot of knowledged friends and coworkers who can't seem to help diagnose this what I like to believe is a simple issue being overlooked. So I turned to the forums for a some advice that I may not recieved yet.. To better describe my problem, I'll give a play by play on how this happened.

So, originally I was using a battery to large for my 1999 dodge neon. So I got a battery from a guy at work that actually fits my engine.. I installed that with no problem.. As I had my car running, I was inside my car making some changes to my wiring behind my cd player, basically the only wires I was messing with, connect to my remote wire, inside led's, usb charger hard wired, etc. I didn't want to burn to much fuel in thw process so I turned off my engine and kept working on what I was doing, and then finished that, tested out the hardwire usb charger with my phone and it dimmed my leds a lot. Not only was it starting to get cold, but I wanted to get the full charge again while I tested this. So, I went to start the car up, it ran for a few seconds and then died, tried again.. ran a few seconds and then it died.. after a few attempts I just figured, no big deal.. I'll just jump start it... pulled the other car around, got it all hooked up, let it chill for about 5 minutes.. it didn't want to fire up.. so I figured maybe it could be a Sh!tty battery, so I put the other one I was using back in... same scenario. My buddy suggested to check all my fuses, also maybe I flooded or fouled the spark plugs... so I bought spark plugs took the old ones out, tried starting it first to blow any garbage out of there and then installed the spark plugs, the new ones.. still no go. So then I had it suggested to me from a few people that it could be my fuel pump.... but how could my fuel pump take a Sh!t, from something as simple as my battery dieing on me? Is there something maybe I'mm over looking? This situation really has me stumped.

Simplified, turning the key over it cranks like normal, it just doesn't fire up. Battery is good, spark plugs are new, fuses are fine. Doesn't start from just a dead battery issue.a

Sorry for any typo's, I'm on my tablet and not very good messaging with this thing. Thanks for reading..

(This post was edited by TJayTallT on Jan 27, 2015, 12:13 PM)

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 27, 2015, 1:19 PM

Post #2 of 9 (2436 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

As I had my car running, I was inside my car making some changes to my wiring behind my cd player,

Famous last words.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Jan 27, 2015, 2:14 PM

Post #3 of 9 (2433 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

You aren't using a wiring adapter interface for the cd player are you? You are just cutting into wires. Well the last time they were making cars where the wires in the stereo harness were just for the stereo went away a few decades back. There is no room for error at all here, and tapping into the wrong wires can and will fry things like body control modules.

Take out everything you just did, repair any wires you cut with solder and heat shrink tubing, and check every single fuse in both fuse boxes with a test light.

Then you need to plug a high end scan tool (not one from a parts store, the ones that start in the $5000 range) and see if you can even communicate with the body control module.

I am wondering if that will even happen. The wiring on this car is not in any way user friendly to people modifying it at all. The circuits were engineered to carry only the amount of current that they would need to run the factory components. Tapping into wires for other components will give you results you will not like. This may need to be towed to a shop with someone who is well versed in wiring of electronic systems.

Do not expect the man who works on this to be pleased with this coming into his bay and do not expect the bill to be low.You opened Pandora's Box here.

New User

Feb 1, 2015, 2:16 AM

Post #4 of 9 (2378 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

thanks for your help hammer. Your a treat.

New User

Feb 1, 2015, 2:22 AM

Post #5 of 9 (2375 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

I forgot to get back on here to check on this and respond. Come to find out after dropping the gas tank, the fuel filter was caked in debris and filth, and the gas was 3/4ths black and fouled up... I just went ahead and bought a brand new fuel pump system for a little pricey amount of 215.00 not including tax, dumped out old gas, put some Sea Foam in the tank, and filled it with fresh new gas, nonetheless... problem fixed. Good to go. Thanks for your reply Nick... I appreciate it.

(This post was edited by TJayTallT on Feb 1, 2015, 2:28 AM)

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Feb 1, 2015, 3:11 AM

Post #6 of 9 (2368 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

Well when you act lie this was a normally running car that acted up AFTER some screwing with the wiring behind the dash, that is what we have to go by. Your "pricey" fuel pump is a cheap one and I'm guessing an Airtex. Good luck with that lasting the long haul. Good ones cost a lot more. Also, I don't see a mention of your fuel filter being changed. Do you think that if the pump was overloaded with crap that a magic fairy came by and kept the fuel filter pristine with a little whip of the wand?

You were also seriously trying to save the gas cost of a freaking Neon that would be idling when gas is $2 a gallon yet have money for USB this and neon BS that to spare?

Just keep poking around behind the dash a little more for that crap you like to install, and not bother to give the whole story when you ask for help to someone else. The only way you get that level of sludge is usually old gas in a car that sits around a lot. You said nothing of that, making us think this is a daily driver.

You may feel all high and mighty with your smartass attitude right now, but you haven't gotten to see what we usually see when we have a car get towed in on a wrecker because someone decided they were a genius and could dick around with a stereo install themselves. Try a bill that has 4 digits.

New User

Feb 1, 2015, 11:56 AM

Post #7 of 9 (2357 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

I came here obviously a novice looking for advice, I also gave the best description of my problem up until I came back to say problem fixed, with your last statement tells me you didn't ask the correct questions from the rip. I drive that car daily, with long trips.. no stagnate stand still gas with proper maintenance, also a car I learn on before I go dicking around on my other vehicles.. The attitude came from your worthless partner on here who would have been better off saying nothing at all, same goes for you dick. It's auto advice on a forum, you WILL come across people learning and asking who could go another day without some jackass talking sideways to them, resign your status as a mod, you sir are a punk bitch. Don't respond, close this thread and ban me. I won't be back, don't miss me to much. ;)

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 1, 2015, 1:43 PM

Post #8 of 9 (2351 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

I guess you'll be going elsewhere for your free advice next time.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Feb 1, 2015, 8:36 PM

Post #9 of 9 (2341 views)
  post locked   Re: Starting issues AFTER a simple problem  

I suppose he will

the fuel filter was caked in debris and filth, and the gas was 3/4ths black and fouled up

no stagnate stand still gas with proper maintenance

I drive that car daily, with long trips

dumped out old gas, put some Sea Foam in the tank

This guy has more contradictions than a politician just in one short thread.


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