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starting issue

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Jan 15, 2014, 2:20 PM

Post #1 of 4 (1460 views)
starting issue Sign In

I have a 94 toyota 4runner 3.0 and its a manual. Recently its been not starting.Iturn the key and nothing happens.i have the clutch pushed in and turn the key and nothin.Itried to wiggel the key around when Iturn it and sometimes itworked so Ithought its was the ignition tumblr.Ibout a new one and it didn't work.the vechicle has a clutch cancel button I press that and nothing happens thinking th clutch position switch is bad but still nothing. Need help Idont wanna start doin geuss work and replacin everything dealin with it.can the clutch relay be bad or is it the internal mechinism the tumblr goes in

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Jan 15, 2014, 2:47 PM

Post #2 of 4 (1451 views)
Re: starting issue Sign In

Grab a 12v test light (very cheap tool if you don't alredy own it) and backprobe the connector of the clutch switch. With the key on there should be power at one terminal. With the clutch held in you should have power to both, as a working switch will have closed the contacts.

Working the ignition tumbler usually won't help, but if that is improving things it points to the ignition switch. This is what the lock tumbler actuates. It is an electrical switch, and the starter trigger wire will have power at it with the key in the start position only. If it does not, you will have confirmed a bad ignition switch.

Have you checked for power at the solenoid terminal of the starter? Have you cleaned the battery cable connections (both at the battery and the other end) and verified them clean and tight? Have you had the battery load tested? Start there. You don't need to throw parts at this, which as you have said you can't afford to do. A test light can be had for under ten bucks and if used properly can verify what part is the culprit.

Do those tests, post your findings and we will take it from there as to what route to go next. Thanks for not wanting to just guess at it. Thats the right attitude to have when working on a car.

New User

Jan 15, 2014, 3:00 PM

Post #3 of 4 (1447 views)
Re: starting issue Sign In

This is gunna be the fun part its bout 20 degrees out here. Thanks for the advice I do have a test light and I'm gunna try out the things u said agin thanks. I

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Jan 15, 2014, 3:05 PM

Post #4 of 4 (1446 views)
Re: starting issue Sign In

20 degrees? Thats pretty warm out considering last week was -15 for a high. Still, it does suck working outside in 20 degrees and I'm in WI so I feel your pain. Make sure you have good light with you. Even a cheap LED flashlight to make sure you can clearly see what you're looking at. If you have to crawl under the truck get some folded down cardboard boxes to lay on. Keeps you dry and gives you a barrier between you and the cold. A cheap plastic sled also works as a decent creeper in the snow and again keeps you dry.


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