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starting problems

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Jan 12, 2008, 6:03 AM

Post #1 of 20 (2093 views)
starting problems Sign In

i have a 1995 buick regal custom, 3.8l problem started over a year ago. when engine gets to operating temp, will stall on occasion, then will not start, or will not start at all it seems until engine cools completely. has progressively gotten worse, ie. longer period of time before starting. so not sure if it is related to engine temp or not. the check engine light will come on occasionally, but will go off if i turn the car off and restart. the other day it stalled when engine was still cool, had driven about 1/2 mile, and would not restart for couple of hours. got it home and would not start for 2 days, it was raining,my son-in-law and significant other played with wires, disconnected sparkplug wires, etc. then reconnected, and found vacuum hose to iac that was cracked, replaced it, started right up. no problem for couple of days. except check engine light was coming on more frequently. then did it again, but did restart after couple of hours. when running, engine runs great (150,000 mi) no leaks, no other problems, fuel pump does work during these episodes (can hear it hum) had battery load tested, they said it was good, however, will run down quickly when trying to start, i will only crank for 5 or 6 seconds 2 or 3 times every few hours so i am assuming battery is running low because it's not being driven enough to charge battery. they did change the fuel filter a week ago, and had no problems for a few days after that..any clues???

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 12, 2008, 8:24 AM

Post #2 of 20 (2084 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

There's something wrong here that needs to be solved before moving on to whatever else might need repair. "The battery only has power to crank the engine 5-6 seconds and gives up???" Will try again a few hours later?? That doesn't add up right there so I suggest charging that battery to full charge with a charger. How old is it? It could be playing games with you or the connections - both ends of cables. Even with the charging system inoperative it would behave long enough to test some things out.

It needs to have predictable behavior first with this,



Jan 12, 2008, 9:59 AM

Post #3 of 20 (2081 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

i apologize. i only crank engine for 5 or 6 seconds, trying it only 2 or three times so that i am not draining battery. it usually will start right up, when it does, within a couple of seconds. sorry for the misinformation. battery is not consistanly drained, just occasionally.

(This post was edited by parit on Jan 12, 2008, 10:03 AM)


Jan 13, 2008, 12:51 AM

Post #4 of 20 (2067 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

If at all possible you should try and have the codes read, this can really help with difficult diagnosis.


Jan 13, 2008, 4:57 AM

Post #5 of 20 (2065 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

i have tried this at advance auto and auto zone. both say there are no codes showing.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 13, 2008, 5:40 AM

Post #6 of 20 (2063 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

A better code read might be in order. It would lose any data if battery was disconnected or run down enough. If you can't get the battery and starter to behave as normal (even on a dead engine) than other tests are wasting time right now,



Jan 13, 2008, 5:43 AM

Post #7 of 20 (2061 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

will make sure battery is up to snuff, and try having codes read again. thanks for your time. one quick question, does the check engine light have to be on to retrieve codes? the kid at advance told me he couln't get any codes because the light wasn't on. true or not? again thanks for your time.

(This post was edited by parit on Jan 13, 2008, 5:46 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 13, 2008, 7:16 AM

Post #8 of 20 (2056 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

Codes: MY 1996 and up will store codes even with the light off. I'm simply not certain with MY1995 and older but they do tolerate being off for a while before it triggers the light. There's a grace period for starting the engine as it needs for a short while when it (puter) shouldn't be rethinking everthing till the playing field has been leveled. A light that comes on right away and stays on does have something to tell you. The info could be dead on or just lead you to the likely troubles. Like everything else they are not perfect,


dave284 profile image

Jan 15, 2008, 9:05 AM

Post #9 of 20 (2037 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

Those generic scanner dont work on all vehicles, they may attatch to the link connector, but thats about it.


Jan 16, 2008, 4:06 PM

Post #10 of 20 (2016 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

Had another no start incident today. No problems for last week or so, but when went to start at end of work, no go. When i turned the ignition to on position could hear fuel pump running, but could also hear it when I turned key to off. Then put power window down. I went to put it back up, when I pressed the button the heater fan started blowing. It stopped blowing when I stopped pressing the button. Turned the key again, heard fuel pump initiate, turned off, heard it whining again. After thinking about it, the heater fan has always kicked on for a split second when I turn the car on, and over the last couple of months, before the battery has run down, the windows, for a day or so, will go up and down more slowly. I walked home from work today, approx 15 min walking distance, then my significant other walked down, and it started right up, poof, magic. Battery was still charged, didn't appear weak. He brought it home and started it several times with no problem. It's a crapshoot whether it will start again or not. A little history on the car. I bought it at a buy here pay here, and it had an on "time payment protection unit" installed on it. Apparently it is hooked to the starter and battery to disable the engine when payments are not made on time. My payments were due on fridays, and it would shut the engine down on the following mondays. It would begin flashing on friday. I began to notice the what i call "minor" no start, stalling problem would happen on thursdays. I asked them about this, and they said there was no way this device could cause any problems. However, now when i think about it the major( hours or days before restarting) began after they removed the device. Don't know if this gives you any more reason to say "HMMM" but thought i would throw it at you. Did try to have codes read again, nothing. My guy is auto literate, used to work on cars before the computer era became all the rage. This has everyone stumped. Thanks for your input, I really appreciate your time.

dave284 profile image

Jan 16, 2008, 5:22 PM

Post #11 of 20 (2012 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

It sure sounds like a short, I assume the engine turns over with no start right? If so theres a few things to check when the problem starts. Injector/s working , and getting fire from the plug this will let you know the next step to take.Unsure


Jan 16, 2008, 5:35 PM

Post #12 of 20 (2009 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

engine does crank, just doesn't fire when episodes happen. will check injectors and spark again, and get back with you guys if needed. thanks.

hate cars

Jan 21, 2008, 7:59 PM

Post #13 of 20 (1972 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

sometime if there is a bad connection at the battery the blower moter and fuel pump and other things will come on. try cleaning the battery posts with a wire brush..


Jan 26, 2008, 5:09 PM

Post #14 of 20 (1949 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

We got to the bottom of the blower motor coming on with key being switched on and window button being depressed. It was the "on time" device. When the moron removed it he just cut the wires, and put electrical tape around them. They were spliced into ignition and battery wires. What a maroooooon!!!!! Anyway drove it around the next few days, without a problem. Then it did it again(would'nt start). It does seem to be associated with engine temperature, ie; when it gets to full operating temperature, it won't start until completely cooled down. Any ideas??? Thanks again, appreciate the suggestions.


Jan 28, 2008, 12:48 PM

Post #15 of 20 (1936 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

I had the same problem with my '92 LeSabre. After taking it to 2 different mechanics and a few hundred dollars in parts and labor, I think the problem may finally be solved.
a bad Mass Airflow sensor was the culprit. the mechanic said the one that was in the car looked damaged, or had been dropped, and bent up. makes sense, since the first time it was changed at the other shop the guy put a used one in....
but it did run me $170 for a new sensor.
and the code DID show up on their scanner.....

dave284 profile image

Jan 28, 2008, 6:53 PM

Post #16 of 20 (1929 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In



Mar 5, 2008, 5:57 PM

Post #17 of 20 (1857 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

got to the bottom of of "short" problem. thermostat was bad, not opening and the coolant was spraying from one of the hoses, or something to that effect. never had an overheat with it, and didn't lose alot of coolant. but i do remember vaguely smelling coolant occasionally. any way that problem is solved. however, it still refuses to start when engine gets to operating temperature. when it is turned off it won't start until then engine cools down. haven't had any problems with it stalling lately. any clues. thanks.


Apr 8, 2008, 2:46 PM

Post #18 of 20 (1784 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

this is the situation now, had no problems for awhile, then the no start problem began again. has been 3 days and will not start. the outdoor temperature has been warmer (over 50, and has been raining. seems as those outdoor conditions enhance the problem. had less starting issues during wintertime) fuel pump hums. cranks but will not turn over. the engine oil now seems to smell like gasoline, could that be caused by cranking the engine trying to start it, or is this a much bigger problem?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 8, 2008, 8:47 PM

Post #19 of 20 (1781 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

Is oil reading too full? Have you flooded it enough so that's a problem thrown in now? Back to check for spark and fuel pressures. Injectors could be leaking down too much, plugs fouled up so start with some orig diagnosis again. Not sure what warmer damper weather has to do with it but probably if that's the source it's a problem with secondary ignition parts, cap, rotor, coilpacks, wires etc.,



Apr 15, 2008, 4:20 PM

Post #20 of 20 (1752 views)
Re: starting problems Sign In

went back and started at the beginning again. new plugs, new wires, oil change....but what the problem turned out to be was the crank sensor. it's running again, like a charm! No more stalling or no start issues. appreciated the second "brains". you guys were helpful and speedy with comments, even as sounding boards. (don't mean that in a negative way, you didn't make me feel like some dumb blonde.)
posting again because i thought this info might help someone else. will definitely come back if ever need help again, and will recommend site to others.Wink thanks again!


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