'01 Venture rear wiper problem
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Anonymous Poster
Jun 5, 2007, 12:57 PM
Post #1 of 1
'01 Venture rear wiper problem
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For a while, my rear wiper would work intermittently. Now, it doesn't move at all or occasionally, the wiper moves slightly then stops. Either it can't be moved or I can "help"it with my hand so it wipes across and then "help" it back the other side, but only once. Then it now longer moves if I leave it on. The 3-position rocker switch at the front of the van has washer/wiper, off, and wiper only positions. If I press the washer function, washer fluid shoots out the back but the wiper acts up as mentioned. Is it a switch problem, a motor problem or something else? If it's the switch, it is easy to access? How much dashboard trim do I have to remove? Help!
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