Anonymous Poster
Apr 1, 2009, 2:14 PM
Post #1 of 5
I have a 97 explorer, There is nothing wrong with it. I was just testing a new scanner on it, Actron cp9180 auto scanner plus. Now, concerning mode 6. I understand how you use it and convert it for the 97 explorer except when your number is over 32767. All Data tells you to change this number to 0.s and 1.s and they give you a seperate sample of this, but they do not show you how to do this on a calculator. Does anyone know how to do this?
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Anonymous Poster
Apr 1, 2009, 9:28 PM
Post #2 of 5
Im not really sure what you're askin but I'll help you out if I can. Mode $06 is good if used correctly, problem is some guys take it to literally & that can be a prob... but it sounds like you know whats up so I won't bore with what you already know All my stuff converts it automatically so I don't gotta think (that's a good thing). If you tell me what TID or CID you are looking at & some data maybe we can figure this out together. About the only TID I look at with Fords is 53 but those number you posted looks like it might be evap stuff? Mode $06 is hexadecimal but those convertions you are talking about look binary. You've got me curious now..... guess it's like a calculator... It's good to know how to do it by hand also ;)
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Anonymous Poster
Apr 2, 2009, 10:15 AM
Post #3 of 5
Let's say for test $01, and on your scanner you have max. meas. min. Let's say for the meas. number you get 317, I now have to convert this by scientific calculator and you get 791, now you have to multiply this by .00098 and you get .775 (this would be my useable number). but if you get a original number off the scanner that is higher than 32767 it tells you to change this to a binary number then compliment it then add 1, then put a negative sign in front of it. Sample from ALL DATA -- 50000=1100001101010000 the compliment is 0011110010101111+1=0011110010110000 and the signed value is -15536. I understand how to turn it into a binary number but I do not know what you do with the -15536 number or how they even get this number
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Anonymous Poster
Apr 2, 2009, 9:45 PM
Post #4 of 5
You are converting hex to dec correctly and I'm assuming the numbers are making sense. I'm not sure where you getting that binary info from...I'll check alldata tomorrow This link from the motorcraft service site may help some. It's a good site with some good free service info http://www.motorcraftservice.com/vdirs/retail/default.asp?pageid=diag_theory_retail&gutsid=diagsheet&menuIndex1=16
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Anonymous Poster
Apr 4, 2009, 4:43 PM
Post #5 of 5
Thanks for the help, I think I have it figured out now. And that is a very good site.
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