PCM Diode-Fuse Ford Explorer
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Anonymous Poster
Apr 15, 2007, 3:14 PM
Post #1 of 2
PCM Diode-Fuse Ford Explorer
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25 amp fuse blown(repeatedly) to PCM diode. What value should good diode read (mine reads .525). Or what other known issue could I be facing? Vehicle is 1998 Ford Explorer XLT "x" VIN.
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Apr 18, 2007, 2:59 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: PCM Diode-Fuse Ford Explorer
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A diode is a one way electrical gate. It should have continuity in one direction and read open in the other. You can check this with an ohmmeter. Put the leads on the terminals. Observe the meter reading. Now swap the leads. The reading should be the exact opposite. If it reads open in both directions, the diode is open and needs to be replaced. If it reads continuity in both directions, it is shorted and needs to be replaced. Steve
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