Saturn L300 wont turn over then starts!
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Anonymous Poster
Feb 6, 2007, 11:24 AM
Post #1 of 2
Saturn L300 wont turn over then starts!
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I have a 2003 Saturn L300 that is possessed! The dealer has serviced this car to the point I got a free extended warranty because of the weird things that it does. The 2 most prominent: 4 times now it wont turn over and the battery is fine. 2 of those times I had been driving for at least 30 minutes, got gas and then it wouldn't start. twice in the last week alone. twice it wouldn't start after sitting in my garage all night. All 4 times I tried to start it a number of times, let it sit for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes - then it started as if nothing was wrong! ARRRGHHHH. Saturn can't test it because it starts after time passes. Also, once in a while we'lre driving along and it starts shifting really hard and feels like it's working hard. Again, an undetermined amount of time later, it self repairs. I can't keep a car that does this! Friends sugg. electrical issues but Saturn has run it through diagnostics and said they can't identify it unless it's happening when they have it...well S....t....this morning they wouldn't come out and when I'm talking on the phone with the service dept. after 2 more attempts it turns over beautifully......arrrghhh..HELP!
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Feb 7, 2007, 1:17 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Saturn L300 wont turn over then starts!
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Sounds like a faulty starter or a loose connection somewhere. I think I would find a differant repair shop. Obviously the shop you are currently using must not like money and don't care about customer satisfaction. You might have to leave it with them and demand they roadtest it extensivly.
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