Serpentine belt diagnosis
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Anonymous Poster
Feb 22, 2007, 10:59 PM
Post #1 of 2
Serpentine belt diagnosis
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PROBLEM: Working on a '99 Chevy Venture (3.4 liter). Serp belt split down one side of belt about 1/8" from edge (inner side towards pullleys). Replaced the belt and next day belt did same thing. Noticed the tensioner was loose while running so replaced the tensioner as well as the belt again. Less than 5 miles later, same thing happened again. I'm sure that a pulley or shaft is loose somewhere but all alignment appears good. Heard that this might be from crank/balancer bolt coming loose but again, feels tight. Any suggestions?
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/ Moderator
Feb 23, 2007, 3:39 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Serpentine belt diagnosis
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Maybe have a closer look at the balancer/crankshaft pulley? The balancer is made up of an inner hub and outer pulley with a rubber spacer bonded between the two. I’ve seen the bonding let go on the hub or pulley and then the pulley will begin to slide out of position? I’ve also seen the power steering pulley which is pressed on to the pump begin to work itself out of position. The hub of the pulley should be flush with the end of the pumps shaft. One last thing I can think of is the AC compressor’s clutch bearing fail, which allows the pulley to tip on an angle causing the belt to run to one side or the other. Good luck with this; serpentine belts are great for longevity but it takes very little for them to do what yours is, if all the pulleys are not aligned 100%. Dan. Canadian "EH"
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