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Mar 11, 2011, 5:57 PM
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rear air shock issues
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I have a 1998 buick park avenue 3800 series 2 I do all of my own work but not very good at diagnostics I have replaced my rear shock and spring on pass side I can hear the air pump work but the shock has a loud clunk noise that I am not sure how to get rid of and I don't want to damage new parts so if someone could please tell me what Ican do to stop the noise that would be great history of repairs driverside rear : spring driverside front: strut strut mount wheel bearing tierod end control are (which came with ball joint and bushings) cv axel still have issues with that too rear pass: shock mount shock and spring ( main issue ) front pass: none yet. Thank you also I did not replace the hoses for the shocks
(This post was edited by mikesc1006 on Mar 11, 2011, 6:38 PM)
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