Anonymous Poster
Jan 19, 2007, 11:22 PM
Post #1 of 2
2000 Buick Lesabre. Starts fine...runs about 5 -10 seconds..then shakes, chokes and stalls. If i press on the gas rapidly, there is a popping sound. Whatever it is also drains the battery in the process. New alternator, battery, map sensor, tune up, fuel pump in last 6 months. 3 diff mechanics still does it...can anyone help??
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Jan 20, 2007, 4:02 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: stalling problem
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Hook a fuel pressure guage up to the test port and start the engine. You want to see roughly 35- 38 psi fuel pressure. Wait for the engine to stall and recheck the fuel pressure guage. If it is at 35-38, you know the fuel system delivery is not at fault. If the pressure is much lower suspect a possible relay, loss of tach signal, or faulty pump. If the test concludes it is not a fuel pressure problem then you may have an ignition module problem or a sensor problem. Rule out the fuel system and post back with what you find. We can then go further. Steve
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