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2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive

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MarineGrunt profile image

May 22, 2012, 5:50 PM

Post #1 of 14 (10929 views)
2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

I was here a few months back for help while replacing the intake on the wife's van and you guys were very helpful. Now were having another issue. It's a 2002 Chevy Venture with the 3.4 and has about 144,000. A couple days ago it stopped shifting into overdrive. My wife drove to work one day and it was fine. It suddenly started on her way home from work. It seemed to shift through all the gears just fine up until that day after work. I checked the fluid level and it was okay. No burnt smell and fluid looks good. (Just changed it a few months ago when I did the intake) I'm guessing the first thing I should do is pull the pan and look for any metal shavings or pieces? I'm hoping there's just some kind of sensor that is the known cause.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

May 22, 2012, 7:56 PM

Post #2 of 14 (10881 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Torque convertor clutch solenoids were problems with most all GM transaxles. I would get the codes for the powertrain pulled, as a TCC clutch solenoid code doesn't always turn the light on. With what you went through on the intake that job wouldn't be too bad. Any bites on the house yet?

MarineGrunt profile image

May 23, 2012, 6:26 AM

Post #3 of 14 (10857 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Thanks for the quick reply. I always appreciate the help. Would I need to take it in to get the codes pulled for the powertrain? A buddy of mine has a nice scanner from when he owned a shop. Would that do it? Like you said, no check engine light. I assume pulling the codes for the powertrain is no different than scanning for any other code?

I need to pull the transmission anyways as there is a very small leak coming from the gasket on engine side of it. It's slow enough to where I haven't had to add any fluid since changing the filter a few months back but know I need to get on it. I've been working 7 days a week so haven't had the time. I will in another week or so though.

We closed on the house on April 27th. I couldn't believe it but it sold in 17 days. I figured it would take 17 months the way things are going with the economy. The house was just a basic ranch and in an affordable price range for many so I'm sure that's what helped it sell so fast. I also did a complete remodel on it a little over a year ago. We had it priced right too.

Once again Nick, thanks for the help.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

May 24, 2012, 2:07 PM

Post #4 of 14 (10804 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

The scanner your friend has should be able to pull your codes. Helps to be able to confirm the cause too when you can do ATM tests with it and command the TCC solenoid while probing the wires to check voltage.

MarineGrunt profile image

Jun 2, 2012, 8:57 AM

Post #5 of 14 (10737 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Just thought I'd give a quick update on the transmission. Please bear with me while reading about our exciting weekend last week! I replaced the filter and fluid and took it for a test drive. It seemed to shift into every gear just fine. I'm pretty sure it was just a coincidence though.

My wife has been wanting a different vehicle for awhile now. Last Friday I came across a nice Envoy XL for a decent price. It was located 2 hours away. We decided to go look at it Saturday afternoon. On our way there the Venture seemed to running great. My wife was in a great mood because she was possibly going to be getting a new ride. We were about 60 miles away from our destination and then "bam"! The engine revs up as if I slammed it into neutral. Luckily I was side by side to an exit and was able to whip it over and coast to a "park and ride" area on the exit. It's kinda like a little parking lot where people can park to carpool. Beings that it was Memorial Day weekend I didn't want to bother anyone with a phone call to pick us up. We have special needs son who has seizures and heat tends to trigger them so I knew we had to get out of the heat. I hated to do it but said screw it and called a taxi for the remaining 60 miles hoping the boss would really like the Envoy. I figured if she didn't we'd just rent a cheap little car and head home. We ended up buying it. It's a very nice vehicle.

Now I had to get the Venture back. I called every U-Haul in a 60 mile radius to rent a tow dolly and missed closing time by 10 minutes. I really wanted to get it back that night so I wouldn't have to drive back and get it. The next day I made sure I left the Venture keys in my truck so I wouldn't forget them. I was going to borrow my stepdad's trailer but he just showed up with it hooked up to his bigger dually and said we'd just take his. After the hour and a half drive right when we get on the exit where the van is located it hits me. I'm a dumba$$. No keys. After about an hour of trying to get the doors unlocked so I could pop the hood I was finally able to take the grill off and reach two bolts and remove the hood latch. I unhooked the transmission linkage (it's worthless right now anyways!) and popped it into neutral. Up on the trailer she went. We had to use a come-along to straighten her out as it went on but worked great.

So, the van is home and it looks like it's time to search for a used transmission or possibly have it rebuilt. I'm not sure if we're are going to keep it, but if we do, I plan on getting it rebuilt. If not, I plan on putting a used one in. Not sure what to do yet.

I'm pretty sure I know what you professionals are going to say but if I had a good manual, a digital camera, patience, and the time, is it at all possible for me to rebuild it? I've always wanted to attempt it but know how complex they are. I figure the worst that could happen is a bunch of wasted time and some cash. Not sure what the parts would cost to rebuild it. We don't need the van up and running anytime soon so I figure this would be a good time for me to try if it's at all possible. Save it for someone who specializes in transmissions? Would it hurt anything to attempt it besides my time and wallet? Am I dreaming? Any thoughts on this?

So, how was everyone else's Memorial Day weekend? Mine blew! Cool

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Jun 2, 2012, 10:08 AM

Post #6 of 14 (10732 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

I'm pretty sure I know what you professionals are going to say but if I had a good manual, a digital camera, patience, and the time, is it at all possible for me to rebuild it?

It's possible for you to do it yourself if you have the patience, mechanical aptitude, and service information. You also need some special tools to take clutch packs apart, tools to remove and install bushings, and certain tools to measure preload with, and compressed air to make air checks. A clean bench and area to work in is important.

It really depends on what you find when you take it apart. The cost of replacing the broken parts could exceed the cost of a replacement. If this is for a learning experience, it is worth your time.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Jun 2, 2012, 10:09 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 2, 2012, 10:13 AM

Post #7 of 14 (10728 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Just a wild maybe - especially if fluid level reads high. Drop the pan and see if the recent new filter fell down. If it can't pick up fluid it wont move,


Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Jun 5, 2012, 2:20 PM

Post #8 of 14 (10706 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

I would look at ATSG (automatic transmission service group) for a manual. They make very good ones. I used one of their links to buy a video as well that was incredibly detailed for my truck. It must be that Memorial weekend is bad for transmissions, because I also blew my trans on that Sunday and ended up on the wrecker. So get the video first and watch it carefully. Decide after seeing it done if you feel comfortable with the repair and can do it. You'll also know what tools you need after watching it.

MarineGrunt profile image

Jul 19, 2012, 2:09 PM

Post #9 of 14 (10514 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Thanks for all the replies. I apologize for leaving this post hanging. We went to Florida for a few weeks for vacation. Now that I'm back to reality it's time to catch up on that list.

Tom, you mentioned the fluid level being high, which could possibly mean the filter fell. It is showing about 4 or so inches higher than where it should be and I know for a fact I had it at the proper level. That would be great if that's the problem! I just hope that if that is the problem it didn't screw anything up. I'm gonna pull the pan tomorrow. I will update as soon as I can.

Thanks again for all the help!

Hey Nick....being that it was Memorial Day weekend I'm sure there were many people who would've rather taken a ride in a wrecker than the police car they were in for a dui! Quite a bit cheaper too!

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Jul 19, 2012, 3:29 PM

Post #10 of 14 (10508 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

I had my girl drive. Flashing lights make me spill my beer. Hope you had fun in Florida and let us know what you find.

MarineGrunt profile image

Jul 19, 2012, 7:18 PM

Post #11 of 14 (10494 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Isn't that what our girls were put on this earth for? Well, along with a few other things.

I ended up pulling the pan and the filter is in place. I should've known I wasn't going to be that lucky. Now the high fluid level is bugging me. I'm positive I didn't overfill it but I've made stupid mistakes before. Is there anything else that could cause a high fluid level reading? Maybe the pump going out? There aren't any metal shavings on he magnet. If the transmission goes would there be or does it just depend? Should I just go ahead and replace it or rebuild it? I haven't decided if I'm gonna try and rebuild it on my own yet. It really depends on if I plan on keeping the van as an extra vehicle or selling it.

MarineGrunt profile image

Jul 20, 2012, 12:35 PM

Post #12 of 14 (10483 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

After looking at it this morning the filter did seem a little loose. I wonder if it was loose enough to where it wasn't able to pick up enough fluid? I might throw it back together, add some fluid, see what happens and go from there.

I do have a small transfer case leak in the Envoy that I'm going to take care of first. It isn't real bad but I did have to add a little fluid after putting 3100 miles on it in two weeks. It's leaking where the case splits. I thought there would be a gasket, but from what I can find out, you just use an anaerobic gasket maker. Not to veer away from the Venture but is there any reason why they don't use a rubber gasket like they do on transmissions? Should I go ahead and replace the front and rear seal while I'm at it even though they aren't leaking? It has 73,000 miles on it.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Jul 20, 2012, 5:41 PM

Post #13 of 14 (10472 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

As to your envoy, the case halves are machined to a precise tolerance and the anerobic sealer is actually a better fit than a gasket would be to maintain that tolerance . I'd replace the seals while it is out, they're cheap insurance and can leak anytime.

If the filter was still in its hole it should've worked. Tom was referring to one which actually drops out and lays in the pan with no link to the suction. You can try a new one and cross your fingers, but I doubt it will pan out for you. Even if you don't choose to go into the internals of it yourself, you can save a lot by doing the R&R work yourself and having it rebuilt or exchange on a core basis with a local trans shop. If you choose to pull it yourself let us know as there are some things you need to know to save yourself a lot of grief doing the job.

MarineGrunt profile image

Jul 21, 2012, 8:10 AM

Post #14 of 14 (10460 views)
Re: 2002 Chevy Venture not shifting into overdrive Sign In

Thanks Nick....I definitely plan on pulling it myself. I just haven't decided if I wanna mess with the internals on my own. I've always wanted to try and might not have another chance like I do now. We normally don't have a third vehicle so when something needs fixed I usually have to bust balls to get it running again. I can take my time now and if I screw it up I'll just lose out on my time and whatever parts and some specialty tools cost. In my books that's well worth some new knowledge and especially when I enjoy working on our vehicles. I've got some other things going on right now so I'm just trying to decide if I want to just get it rebuilt and be done. I may wait a few weeks until things slow down and then decide.

I'll let you know a few days before I plan on pulling it.

Thanks again!


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