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2002 Dodge Grnd Crvn Won't shift in to overdrive

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Jul 14, 2012, 5:06 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1459 views)
2002 Dodge Grnd Crvn Won't shift in to overdrive Sign In

Hi and thanks. I have a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan ES 3.8 6 cycl frnt wheel drive with 228k mi on it and it won't shift in to overdrive. It just stays in 3 rd and I've tried shifting using the column shifter and it still won't shift up in to over drive. It first started shifting hard causing it to clunk when it shifted up or down, and it happened often like 5 times or more a day. I use the minivan for my delivery business and I drive 6 to 12 hours a day anywhere from 120 to 360 miles a day sometimes even more. I bought it 3 years ago with 57k and haven't had any real problems with it till now. Need to know if it can be fixed or do I need to replace the tranny. I try to do it myself for all of my repairs unless I have a real big issue then I'll take it in. Any suggestions?

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jul 14, 2012, 5:11 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1448 views)
Re: 2002 Dodge Grnd Crvn Won't shift in to overdrive Sign In

Check engine light on?

You may need to take it to a transmission shop for diagnosis. Other than check fluid level and condition and scanning for OBD2 trouble codes there isn't much you can do without related transmission scan tool data and actuation control of devices to determine if it is an electrical or mechanical problem.

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(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Jul 14, 2012, 5:12 PM)


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