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4L30-E Transmission power loss (Honda Passport)

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May 8, 2010, 12:16 PM

Post #1 of 4 (4409 views)
4L30-E Transmission power loss (Honda Passport) Sign In


1995.5 Honda Passport, V6, automatic, 4x4, 155000 miles.

About 2 yrs. ago the car was overheating due to clogged radiator. After great difficulty finding a new replacement, it leaked after installation. So I decided to clean the old radiator and reuse it. Because it turned out to be a perfect fit, I used the trans dipstick to clean the pores of the radiator which caused the dipstick to elongate (it was spiral and I had to straighten it to do the job). This made the dipstick inaccurate in making measurements (it indicates more trans fluid than actually present). While I wasn’t thinking about this at the time, I was fairly thorough (or thought I was) in being sure to replace the exact amount of fluid loss from the radiator repair. A week after I had no power so I added half quart of trans oil (at this point I was now aware of the unreliability of the dipstick). I figured there was no way I could have loss more than that amount of fluid in the radiator repair without noticing. Radiator works fine, BTW.

Everything worked okay until about six months ago the trans failed again. I dropped the oil pan, changed fluid and filter and refilled. At that point I still had not found a replacement dipstick, but replaced all the fluid removed and added an additional amount using a higher spot on the dipstick as my mark. Four months ago the transmission failed as follows:
1. Very low power in all gears.
2. Power never enough to make it up relatively steep grades.
3. Power a bit higher in 4-Low than 2- or 4-High, but still not up to par.
4. Whirring noises coming from torque converter housing area.
5. Condition much worst after vehicle thoroughly warms up.
6. Two quarts of trans fluid added made no noticeable difference.
7. On occasions when the car sat and became cold it worked perfectly well.
8. No error codes
So, I dropped the pan, drain oil and replaced filter, pulled the transmission, replaced torque converter, replaced front pump seal (found some oil in converter housing) and refill with about 9 quarts of oil (owners manual calls for 9.1quarts). I can’t be certain of the exact quantity of oil added as I had the fresh oil in one large container and was pouring into quart bottles and did not accurately measure the quarts. Dipstick still not replaced. Current symptoms same as listed above; low power all gears, whirring noises, more power in 4-Low.

I’m not convinced the oil is the issue, but best to eliminate it first. Anyone here with an Isuzu Rodeo or Honda Passport of similar year range? If so, could you email me the linear (straight) length from the top of the dipstick to the ‘H’ at the bottom and the length from ‘H’ to ‘C’?

Assuming the oil level is not the issue, any suggestions? Greatly appreciated.


(This post was edited by faven on May 8, 2010, 10:02 PM)

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

May 8, 2010, 3:00 PM

Post #2 of 4 (4393 views)
Re: 4L30-E Transmission power loss Sign In

You screwed up your dipstick, so there was no way you could accurately know how much fluid you actually had. Instead of replacing your dipstick, you kept playing with the trans ans now have done damage to it. Well, this one will most likely cost much more than the dipstick you are still going to have to buy in the end. You spent a year and a half after trashing the stick to still not replace it. That new radiator would've been a lot cheaper than a transmission. First off, get a dipstick for the damn thing. Your dealership has them. Pony up the cash. Verify the damn thing has enough fluid. Probably is damaged. Bad idea to waste a tranny over a dipstick

New User

May 8, 2010, 3:51 PM

Post #3 of 4 (4390 views)
Re: 4L30-E Transmission power loss Sign In

Hi Nick:

Thanks for your input.

I could not get a radiator for the truck and the one I finally got from Autozone leaked and they had no replacement. It was either fix the new or fix the old. I needed transportation for work so I unwittingly sacrificed the dipstick.

I bought dipsticks at two aftermarkets (they could only get 'universal dipsticks'), but neither were anywhere near the original.

I checked several junkyards.

Dealer in my area said they could no longer supply the part.

Isuzu could get it, but they were some distance away from me.

I am not making excuses for my actions, I stand by the decisions I made (and accept the consequences) each step of the way.

I'm not convinced the trans is damaged. It has driven perfectly well in between the symptoms....but that may be my wishful thinking.

I am still trying to find a replacement dipstick or get the dimensions, always looking out for Passports and Rodeos on the road.

I do hope you enjoyed scolding me.
Now, please go find a like vehicle and measure the dipstick and email me the dimensions. I would appreciate that more than the scolding...if you care.


(This post was edited by faven on May 8, 2010, 3:53 PM)

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

May 8, 2010, 5:04 PM

Post #4 of 4 (4380 views)
Re: 4L30-E Transmission power loss Sign In

My intent is not to scold you. We are here on this site to help. You have looked to other OEMs to get you a part to a Honda. You ruined the stick to fix a dud radiator instead of deal with Autozone in a better and more efficient manner. They were able to get you a crap radiator, they can get another that works. Sometimes you need to speak to a manager if need be. I have never seen a parts store that wouldn't replace a defective part by saying it was the last one. But realize without knowing your true level in the transmission you have invited trouble. I've had to make things work in a pinch before when I was broke, so I do feel your plight. But realize the first thing you need to be able to know when a trans problem is present is the fluid level. I would go check ebay or wherever needed to find the stick. Its cheaper than a transmission. Please post back when more info is present. Myself or one of the many experts here are always willing to help advise on what you need to do to make this car work for you.


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