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904 tranny problem

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Oct 5, 2010, 5:07 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1743 views)
904 tranny problem Sign In

i posted aan earlier thread about my 74 valiant(225,904 auto)not going in park upon further inspection and pan removal i realized the problem is in the shifting mechanismon the side of the valve body when i turn the shift lever hooked to the D shaped stub sticking out of the case it turns 20 or 30 degrees before it catches then i cam manually shift through the gears with the pan off i can see the levers moving the valves on the side of the valve body the play seems to be in between the D shaped stub and the internal mechanism is this a servicable part ? do i have to remove the valve body to get the shifter mechanism if so what will happen are there springs and check balls that will fly out? has anyone ever expierenced this problem? any info would be great

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Oct 5, 2010, 9:55 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1735 views)
Re: 904 tranny problem Sign In

It sounds like you are taking about the manual valve. I'm not picturing what you are talking about but to answer your question. There are 2 sets of bolts, ones that bolt the valve body to the case and ones that hold the valve body together.

To take the valve body off the case you just remove the long bolts. The short bolts are the ones that hold the valve body together...

Make sure to inspect the parking pawl. It's a little arm/lever in the back of the case. It should drop into a gear and lock the trans when it's put into park............

New User

Oct 6, 2010, 6:06 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1725 views)
Re: 904 tranny problem Sign In

how many long bolts are there ?are they just around the outside? i figure i could just pullthem out 1 at a time and put the short ones back in once i get the bolts will the valve body just drop down? i was told the park rod will just pull out .i was just worried about stuff flying out at me(check balls ,springs,etc)when i pull it down. will all this remain intack if i just seperate it from the valve body?any answers or info you can give me will be greatly appreciated i am trying not to take it to a shop


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