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93 deville transmission problem

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Jan 12, 2010, 4:52 PM

Post #1 of 14 (6880 views)
93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Hey how are you doing I have a 1993 cadillac deville 4.9l motor with 103,000 miles and have a turbo-hydramatic 4T60E transmission. Ok here is my problem 4 months ago I had my transmission rebuilt at aamco and the first day i got the car back it didn't feel right and i told them and they told me drive it it needs to be broken-in and i said ok then a month later it still didnt feel rite i bring the car back they drive it they say it's nothing 4 months later here i am and are still having the same problem ive checked everything on the car fuel pressure vacuum changed wires spark plugs egr valve throttle position sensor catalytic converter everything and nobody can tell me what's wrong ok here's my problem at all temeratures the car does this when hitting 45mph going into over drive the car shifts hard then after it shifts the car starts bucking jerking the car hesitates and shudders the car has been at aamco 5 times and nobody helps me the car is there right now so we will see what they say what do you think it could be please help me!

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 12, 2010, 8:55 PM

Post #2 of 14 (6869 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

I don't do too much internal trans repairs but it really sounds like a problem with converter lockup up for the overdrive.

I do believe that you should give a shop a chance to repair any errors or oversights, we're all human. From what you've posted it sounds like you've done that. FYI transmissions don't need to be "broken in".

I'm reading between the lines here since I didn't see it your post and correct me if I'm wrong but... Is the trans shop saying that the problem you are experiencing is being caused by something else other than the transmission?? If that is the case you may have to have another shop diag & document the problem.

Also this problem needs to be addressed while the repairs are still under warranty..........


Jan 13, 2010, 5:11 AM

Post #3 of 14 (6865 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

They kept telling me it's an engine misfire and i know that's not what it is the car is at the shop right now we will see what they say now because im trying to get this done before the warranty is over i have 8 more months left the car started doing this as soon as it came out of the shop. And yeah i didn't think so but they had told me the trans needed to be broken in. so what do you think it can be with lockup torque converter or solenoid or what thanks for your help i really appreciate it.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 13, 2010, 8:33 PM

Post #4 of 14 (6861 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Without being there to feel the problem it's tough. From your description it does sound like an o/d problem. A quick check to help narrow it down would be to drive the car and take it out of o/d and if the problem disappears at those speeds & rpms then that would really be pointing at the tranny...

I can tell you from experience that sometimes other problems do pop up after a repair thru no fault of the tech or shop. I wouldn't say it's common but I have seen other stuff fail right there in the shop and it's always a bad deal and I can see the other side. It was fine before but now it's not...

The shops I have worked for and work for, if it was tech error then it gets fixed and customer informed, no questions or arguments . If it wasn't tech error then at least the new problem is identified..... We worked on X and now Y is failing thru no fault of working on X.

I'm going to give your shop the benefit of the doubt but it would really help them if they could tell you what the new problem is. Now they do transmissions and maybe don't get into drivability problems so they might not be equipped to diag a running problem... In this case you may have to take it to a shop that diags drivability problems to get the problem documented. I would let the 1st shop know that if it comes back to a tranny problem they should pick up the diag bill.

If the trans shop has thoroughly check out the trans and are confident its good and the problem is somewhere else then the other shop will be able to find it and repair it and this was just bad timing. If it is a problem with the tranny they need to honor their warranty and there is no reason you should be out any money due to their inability to diagnose the problem the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time........

It wouldn't hurt to take it to another tranny shop and see if they'll take it for a quick spin and give you their opinion on it.

(This post was edited by Sidom on Jan 13, 2010, 8:37 PM)


Jan 14, 2010, 5:20 AM

Post #5 of 14 (6858 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Yeah that's what i had forgotten to tell you i tried that one day drive it in all gears manually and the car didn't do any of that i didn't do it for to long because i know you can hurt the transmission that way but thats how i know it's a trasmission problem

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 14, 2010, 12:43 PM

Post #6 of 14 (6852 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Well from what you've posted, it sure sounds like you are getting the run around from this shop. It sounds like they aren't going to do anything on their own and you are going to have to force the issue.

I'm not familiar with PA. I would check and see if there is a state agency that deals with automotive repairs. If so that would be your 1st step, have them mediate the situation. If not then you need to take the car to a reputable transmission shop & have them document the problem. Go back to the 1st shop and tell them if they don't fix the problem you are going to pay shop B to fix it and settle the matter legally..

Going this route you need to have your paper work in order. The original WO and all the WOs for the return visits to shop A & the WO stating the problem from shop B. If you go into court saying I went back 6 times and the shop B says its this with no paper work to back up your claim, you probably won't get very far. Shop A would say. " He never brought it back once, this is the 1st I've heard" and now it's your word against his.

I don't like putting shops in a bad light. Most shop are honest and do quality work but like any business in any field you have good ones & bad ones. I'm just getting one side of the story here but from what I've read, it sounds like this shop feels like this problem isn't real serious and is just hopping you go away........


Jan 14, 2010, 5:10 PM

Post #7 of 14 (6851 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

He called me today and said they checked the torque converter and shift sloenoids and everything was good and i talked to the technician who rebuilt my trans and said he's gonna look at it again tomorrow.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 14, 2010, 11:09 PM

Post #8 of 14 (6848 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Well sounds like they're checking it out finally....That's good....... Hopefully they get it going for you and all will be well.....


Jan 15, 2010, 6:45 AM

Post #9 of 14 (6845 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Yeh finally is right i hope they find out the problem and fix it.


Jan 18, 2010, 11:40 AM

Post #10 of 14 (6836 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Im still having problems they are telling me the car is not doing the things i described i also told him th car is getting 10mpg when it used to get 15 to 16mpg in the city it's the hesitating surging and not the power it used to have nobody can figure it out.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 18, 2010, 1:39 PM

Post #11 of 14 (6834 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

Have you ever gone on a test drive with them and point out the problem. If not then it's time for one where you can show the tech the problem as it's happening.............


Jan 18, 2010, 1:42 PM

Post #12 of 14 (6833 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

That's what im gonn do again already did it once and still can't figure out the problem.


Jan 18, 2010, 2:28 PM

Post #13 of 14 (6832 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

The main problem is the car hesitates surges and bogs down at speeds 35 and up what else do you think it can be?

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 18, 2010, 8:02 PM

Post #14 of 14 (6830 views)
Re: 93 deville transmission problem Sign In

It seems the story is changing just a bit, if I remember correctly you said you were have this problem at 45mph & above and only when in O/D. If this is happening at 35 and in any gear then that open up a lot more possibilities. The trans won't go into o/d below 45.

There is a lot of things that could cause this problem, fuel pressure, restricted exhaust, MAF sensor, it's a long list. It sounds like they've double & triple checked their work and are telling you it's good. At this point I think it's time to confirm or rule out a drivability issue. They're a tranny shop and since they aren't giving you a definite answer it sounds like they don't do that type of work. I would have to reread the thread but I do remember you posting a list of parts that were replaced..but considering how many different things could cause this, it would be better to find the problem than changing more parts in hopes of fixing this.

If you are going to do this yourself It might be better to start a new thread in the troubleshooting section (this one is getting kinda long). If you do, get the codes pulled, a fuel pressure reading, vacuum reading at idle & high rpms and if you could post some data stream info, that would be huge (if you can get stream info, get it when the problem is occurring). Another long shot that would be helpful would be some exhaust backpressure readings....

I don't know if I mentioned it before so I'll mention it now but I have seen certain areas fail on a car when work is being done to another area thru no fault of the tech. Trust me.....NOBODY likes it when this happens and a lot of times the only time it's believed is when it gets confirmed by a unbiased 3rd party.


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