New User
Oct 9, 2006, 6:26 PM
Post #1 of 2
95 Pontiac Bonneville
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Good Day, I am posting this message because I am having a transmission problem with my Bonneville. I am able to shift the car into reverse but the car will not back up at all. I am able to put the car in Drive but sometimes it will not come out of first gear. Could it be wiring or is the tranny going bad?? Please help me. Thanks in advance for all those who take the time to help me.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator
Oct 9, 2006, 7:24 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 95 Pontiac Bonneville
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First thing to do is check the fluid level running in park on level ground. If real low you need to find out why and where it went. If not red in color trans probably has problems and most shops will want to rebuild the whole thing. I suppose it could be a linkage problem and you could check that out with a helper shifting the car even and best if not running while watching it at trans end. If that looks ok you may need a big time overhaul but will benefit from knowing it's done, T
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