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Jun 23, 2008, 7:35 PM
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General Clutch Problem?
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Hello first of all this is my first post :) ANyways I have a 2001 Hyundai Tiburon manual 5-speed transmission. I was getting off the free way a few days back and I was sitting at the light and I went to shift into first and to my dismay the clutch does not seem to engage slamming it into first is just a bad idea :) There is a very loud rattling noise when the clutch is NOT depressed, but the clutch can be depressed and the rattling goes away completly. I've tried googling this problem but nothing seem quite right...like I've found when the rattling comes when the clutch is depressed but not the other way around. Any help would be greatly appreciated even to know what it is will make me feel better. Andy
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