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late shifting 01 cougar

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Mar 30, 2010, 8:07 PM

Post #1 of 4 (2244 views)
late shifting 01 cougar Sign In

2001 mercury cougar automatic 6cyl
102k miles.

About 5 months ago the car started acting up. The O/D light came on and also a light for the transaxle. We figured out that it was extremely low on transmission fluid and refilled it. Now, whenever I try to accelerate, the RPM's will fly up but the car will not go anywhere. However, if i let go of the gas pedal and reapply a few seconds later it will start shifting. It does this mostly in 1st but occassionaly in other gears. Also, it does not start right away, it begins once the car has been driven a little while and has been warmed up, usually after about 5 miles. We have not tried to flush the transmission yet because people have told us that if we do, there is a 50/50 chance that it won't start or the problem will be worse. We also heard that it might be the transmission range sensor. What can it be and is it costly to fix?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Mar 31, 2010, 2:49 AM

Post #2 of 4 (2239 views)
Re: late shifting 01 cougar Sign In

">>We figured out that it was extremely low on transmission fluid and refilled it.<<"

How low and the problem starts with why? Trans doesn't use fluid normally so
when you find out why/where you can diagnose from there.

Just how full did you leave it? Too full will cause problems as will too low.

Sounds like trouble and would expect this to need an overhaul,


New User

Mar 31, 2010, 12:49 PM

Post #3 of 4 (2234 views)
Re: late shifting 01 cougar Sign In

it was basically empty and we filled it to the max and it hasn't become low again. we have never seen transmission fluid on the ground. it just randomly was empty.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Mar 31, 2010, 3:47 PM

Post #4 of 4 (2230 views)
Re: late shifting 01 cougar Sign In

Chicken and Egg - which came first problem/question. If it consumes fluid that's a problem on its own and running too low can hurt the trans.

It might leak out a shaft seal leaving little evidence or a cooling line to radiator or a separate ATF fluid cooler if installed. Many use an end tank of radiator and it could be mixing in with coolant but you'd soon notice problems with that if so.

BTW - I don't have system capacity for it at hand but the dipstick will only show a quart or a bit more and the range it should be in. there's lots more when just below most dipsticks - perhaps 10-12 quarts or so? Know that marks on dipstick is in pint increments not quarts,



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