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1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks

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Jun 28, 2015, 3:26 PM

Post #1 of 6 (3733 views)
1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks Sign In

My 1936 chevrolet presently has the original door handles which work fine except the key has been lost for the passenger side (only door with lock in that era), so I have no way to lock the car for security. It also presently has a simple magnetic latch for the trunk. I would like to add locking to the doors and trunk. Keyless would be okay if I was assured an emergency release in case of dead battery. SUGGESTIONS/HELP??

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 29, 2015, 4:35 AM

Post #2 of 6 (3717 views)
Re: 1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks Sign In

IMO if you are so worried about security of a 1936 vehicle you plain have the wrong vehicle and or no place to store it in whole where you lock up the whole garage.

If it does have keyed locks at all for items you want and no key know that there were probably only a few cuts of keys for the entire several model years for that car maker totally so about pointless. Most you could get into with a small piece of wire.

There were cars in the general era with no windows at all on the sides and soft tops you could tear up in your hands. Crank handles were about universal and could start them without a battery and drive away.

If you must leave this where it is in peril of theft or items left inside stolen get a locking brief case with a strong handle and lock it to something with a chain and the wheels as well.

Not fair but not the right car to leave in a situation where it worries you at all,


New User

Jun 29, 2015, 7:10 AM

Post #3 of 6 (3710 views)
Re: 1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks Sign In

Thanks for your opinion,, what I was hoping for was someone with the knowledge to help me accomplish what I WANT. It's not a real problem to break into any car if you want to, and yet it seems we all lock our car doors when we go into WalMart for 30 minutes, and if I want to at least discourage my spare tire and high end sound system in the trunk from getting ripped off then it shouldn't be too much to ask to have a simple lock on it..SO anyone out there with the knowledge to help would be appreciated.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 29, 2015, 8:14 AM

Post #4 of 6 (3708 views)
Re: 1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks Sign In

OK - You need to explain that you use the car not just a dry, sunny Sunday driver and don't care about its original anything.

Now it's basic. Go to a hardware store and just drill holes and put padlocks where you want.

Is this a totally altered Hot Rod vehicle now? OE was 6V and a gutless wonder or a driver and not certain you could even find 6V radio anything so it's altered to 12V clearly.
If you want to have this with more current technology for locks and such this really isn't the best site for this IMO. I would have the car in person at a shop that does deal with custom stuff for the Hot Rod biz and if they don't do it should know who does or has stuff that could be fitted to your liking.

I can't really help you from a web site on what you want. They are out there and would look around which is just what I would do if this was something I wanted to do,


New User

Jun 29, 2015, 8:54 AM

Post #5 of 6 (3700 views)
Re: 1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks Sign In

Sorry for the post... I didn't know this was a site only for the purist. At any car show in the nation you'll find 30s cars with upgraded handles/locks, etc., but I won't bother you again with my less than pure car.. I'll just go to ace and get some padlocks and drill holes..WOW!!!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 29, 2015, 12:13 PM

Post #6 of 6 (3697 views)
Re: 1936 chevrolet sedan door/trunk locks Sign In

If you see what you like at "any" car show then what the hell are you doing here and not asking owners of those that meet your oh so holy requirements. Butt head - gone now..........


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