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1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START"

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MrMustang93 profile image

Jan 26, 2010, 10:17 AM

Post #1 of 8 (6652 views)
1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

Im posting this for a friend. He has a 1988 Chevy Camaro RS w/ 305. The car wont start. The ignition switch is good, but there something else wrong with it. It doesn't even turn over. He bought a new battery, changed out the connections, replace all spark plugs, and wires thinking thats the problem and it still wont start. He has replace just about everything under the hood that has anything to do with the car starting and it still wont start.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 26, 2010, 9:55 PM

Post #2 of 8 (6643 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

Since he's put a new battery in & sounds like cables then we'll assume they're good for now.

What you should do next is get a test light & go down to the starter & check for power on the small wire going to the starter solenoid when key is turned to the start position. You should get 12v until the key is released to the run position. If you have a remote starter (or something similar) that you can hook one end to the small wire & other end to the large wire, when the button is pushed the starter should crank, this would confirm the battery & all connections are good. (Some guys use a screwdriver to jump the 2 terminals but this is a tight area on this one & I wouldn't recommend it)

If all that checks out & there is no power to the small wire when cranking, the 1st thing I would do is make sure there is no aftermarket alarm installed, if there is, it needs to be disabled. If there is no alarms, that ign switch needs to be looked at again.......

If the small wire does have power when the key is turned, rap the starter body with a hammer to see if it cranks.

If you want to cheat.......get under the car & rap the starter with a hammer before starting the other tests, if that makes it crank,,,,, you have a bad starter...

When I 1st saw your name, I said to myself "Damn this guy has a lot of cars" Wink

(This post was edited by Sidom on Jan 26, 2010, 10:00 PM)

Veteran / Moderator
re-tired profile image

Jan 26, 2010, 10:20 PM

Post #3 of 8 (6638 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

If it will not even turn over there is no need to spend time and money on plugs and wires and "just about everything under the hood" . You need to focus on (1) battery ,just because its new doesnt guarantee its good take it to parts house and have charged and load tested. (2)Wiring from batt to starter and from ign switch to solenoid . with checked out batt hooked up with clean tight connections check to see if you have any voltage at large post on starter . You can test with a test lite at this stage ,you will need meters if it fails the basic test's. if you have pwr at the post go to the small post and see if pwr on it with key .turned to start and shifter in park (3)If yes ,have starter tested . If no , try again in Neutral , parking brake on and brake pedal firmly pressed.. These are just preliminary tests , if they fail to find problem more detailed test are in order that lnvolve voltage drops , ground testing , current flow etc post back and lets see what you find.


MrMustang93 profile image

Jan 27, 2010, 1:06 AM

Post #4 of 8 (6632 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

thanks sidom he said he will try that tomorrow. he said he will let me know whats going on with it once he do it. lol and yeah i do have a few cars. I just lvoe cars i've always been like that since I was a kid. I see a car I like I just have to have it.

MrMustang93 profile image

Jan 27, 2010, 1:07 AM

Post #5 of 8 (6631 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

Retired thanks. I told him what you said also.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 27, 2010, 4:58 AM

Post #6 of 8 (6627 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

Comment: This shows the top post cable ends - couldn't find a pic for side post type....
>>changed out the connections<< If those were not the expensive ones they should be considered a last ditch temporary fix till better ones can be obtained or new cables.

BOTH ends of battery cables need be removed and cleaned up with a brush, I like to use some dielectic grease on them and reinstall. Either pos or neg is only as strong as the weakest spot and starter takes the most juice in a car.

Just a thought - if no "bulb" check lights come on with starter request this should be battery or connections. All suggestions here are good. As said, wires, plugs, cap, rotor have nothing to do with a starter cranking,


Veteran / Moderator
re-tired profile image

Jan 27, 2010, 8:28 AM

Post #7 of 8 (6623 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In

Didnt mean to nearly copy your reply Sidom , when I started typing there was no replys . You ,and just about everybody else can out type me .Looks like we were headed down the same path anyway.Blush


Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jan 27, 2010, 8:29 PM

Post #8 of 8 (6619 views)
Re: 1988 Chevy Camaro RS "WONT START" Sign In owe me a coke....... actually you beat me to the punch... I guess I owe you a coke....Wink


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