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Fuel Injection

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May 20, 2010, 9:47 PM

Post #1 of 7 (2591 views)
Fuel Injection Sign In

Hey i read some info recently about advantages of different types of fuel injection. I have a 1996 Camaro with teh 3.8 SFI V6 i found that Direct injection seems to be the best option however i have SFI. is there a way to switch form SFI to direct injection? From what ive read i think the differnces would be the intake manifolds and the head and some computer tweeking. probably sounds like a stupid idea but im a big dreamer and this sounds like a fun project if its even possible.

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 20, 2010, 11:45 PM

Post #2 of 7 (2588 views)
Re: Fuel Injection Sign In

1996 = OBDII. Forget it. The work to just get wiring and computer in sync would outweigh the value of the whole car. If more power is what you seek look for the V8 Camaros and swap it out,



May 21, 2010, 12:17 AM

Post #3 of 7 (2584 views)
Re: Fuel Injection Sign In

i wouldve liked the power but that wasnt the whole reason direct gets better effeciency was another reason. and trust me id love to get a V8 but i dont have the funds right now and insurance for a 17 yo male even with my perfect record is still insanely high even with the V6. i was just thinkin in my own world and tryin to gain some knowledge. cuz eventually i plan on pulling the motor and rebiulding it i figured might as well make it direct injection while im at it. thanks for the info though, hate those computers they put in the cars.

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 21, 2010, 1:30 AM

Post #4 of 7 (2578 views)
Re: Fuel Injection Sign In

Good for you for the perfect driving record. Wish I could say that when I was 17. Just know that there's near DNA with the original engine and transmission with most cars and trucks too. Alterations to entirely different systems (engine, trans and lots more) would be such a hassle and so expensive there's no savings IMO. This car should be pretty efficient the way it was designed. The slight upgrade in any power or fuel efficiency is pennies vs the cost and time to make legal real changes.

You would need to go back to 1974 or older to really be able to play around with cars to your liking. Same here with the over computerizing of cars. It's a love/hate thing. When the systems work perfectly it's just that - perfect. When they screw up it costs more big time.

Why does this or do you think it needs an engine overhaul? Cared for it should be serviceable for a long time.

If on a budget and for fun with a car I'd go with cosmetic changes you may like more than mechanical stuff. It was built to be the best it could for the year and engine it is. Not much you can do to improve on it for power or economy IMO. Spending a couple thousand to get 2 MPGs and 10 more HP just wont pay off if you even get that.

I'd rather see you save up for the exact one you would prefer than live thru the frustration of alterations,



May 21, 2010, 12:33 PM

Post #5 of 7 (2570 views)
Re: Fuel Injection Sign In

its only a perfect driving record cause i dont get caught ;) luckiest driver oyull ever meet when it comes to havin fun in cars. only time i ever see cops is when i think of doin somthin then decide against it cause it doesnt feel right.
my car doesnt need it but its something i want to do with this car, it was my first car and i love it to death but unfortunatley the past owners didnt have the same mindest, its on its second transmission which i had ot replace about a month after buyin the car, and it only gets around 18MPg where as ive read they should get around 23-25 and ive heard people getting that around ehre too. The coolant that was in the car was horrible sludgy when i bought likie someone mixed the original dexcool and a green antifreeze, and i just recently got the overheating problem that has been intermitten for some time fixed by flushing the radiator out about 5 times at jiffy lube thankfully i have a friend that works there and they only charged me for one flush and even gave me $20 off. It burns oil pretty bad and i think its leaking out of the valve covers onto the exhuast but without an exhaust gas anylyzer i cant be sure. i think i might go get a compression tester and test it soon to see if the rings are doing theyre job or not. other than that and the cosmetics it needs its a fun car. and i figured if i was gonna save the money up and rebuild it id put a cam in it and possible swithc to direct injection maybe find one of them buick 3.8 superchargers too XD and the ABs system doesnt work brakes are fine but no ABS and no parts store has the right scan tool to read those ABs systems so thats gonna have to wait.

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012

(This post was edited by speed on May 21, 2010, 12:35 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 21, 2010, 1:17 PM

Post #6 of 7 (2560 views)
Re: Fuel Injection Sign In

About oil leak/consumption: Before you go nuts make sure the PCV system is clear and working properly. If even normal blow-by exceeds the PCV system gaskets start leaking and sometimes badly. If a proper compression test really shows excessive ring wear it won't be so easy or cheap to fix that. They can last ages but with running hot in it's history anything is possible and seems it may not have had the best of care before you got it.

If it was burning the oil also you would near certainly have a very dirty tail pipe inside and signs of blue smoke. Depends on how much it's consuming and where.

Your gas mileage is most dependant on the driving conditions. Some you can help and if always in traffic it going to register lousy MPGs.

Do really understand how to do a compression test. Get help as needed as some problems could fool you to a wrong diagnosis,



May 21, 2010, 1:52 PM

Post #7 of 7 (2552 views)
Re: Fuel Injection Sign In

the only reason i was gonna do a compression test was because we did one today and it seemed like a good idea to check it on my car considering the overheating problem. we just got done with a 2001 BMW motorswap for a customer of our schools auto shop and on the initail startup it was burning oil like crazy so we switched out the cam position sensor and that fixed it but it didnt want to stay running we did a compression test and we also found a blown fuse and swtiched the fuses with a new one and it started right up. i think its the valve cover that is where its leaking ive heard that is a very common thing on these 3.8 engines and it looks like that would be where the leak is too. so ill probably change those later in the summer

GM ASEP 26 SCC Milford ASE certified in Brakes and Electrical on Thursday April 5th 2012


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