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Honda Civic 93 starting problem

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Anonymous Poster

Mar 16, 2005, 5:12 PM

Post #1 of 23 (52444 views)
  post locked   Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Hi! I have a Honda Civic 1993 117000 miles. If I get to start it, it starts fine after it has warmed up but when I leave it for a long time, like leave it overnight, when I start it, the motor turns/crank and I struggle to make it start. Sometimes it wouldn't start at all and then my battery becomes dead, and it's a new battery. Starter changed, distributor changed, ignition system checked and fine. Don't know what's wrong. Plus, the car smells gas but there is no leak anywhere, please help, I need a car to go to work. My speedometer won't work. Sometimes it works when the car has been driven a long time, say 15 minutes. Thanks for your help!

Anonymous Poster

Mar 27, 2005, 7:06 AM

Post #2 of 23 (52331 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

I own a 1993 Honda Civic with 82,000 miles. Car is extremely great except when parked overnite especially in humid Florida weather. Car won't turn over (Starter works OK). As temperature rises it starts in a snap. I recall something about a distributor problem with this model. Can you shed any light on this situation ?


Anonymous Poster

Apr 26, 2006, 2:07 PM

Post #3 of 23 (50081 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Hello Everyone.
I also have a 93 honday civic DX. And I have exectly the same problem.
Car starts up fine when warm. But if I leave it for the night or longer it will take like 8 engine turns to fully start the engine. I also notised that the longer I leave it the more turns it takes for the engine to start.
When warm its like this: Key in the position of starting the motor "turn turn... ignition" - key released- .
After the night: Key in the position of starting the motor "turn turn turn turn turn turn turn... ignition" sometimes I have to release the key and try again after a few seconds, and then it starts "turn turn... ignition".

I also smell gas sometimes. I checks under the car, and in the engine compartment and didn't notice any leaks.

If anyone knows the answer please email me to or post a reply here.

Thank You very much

Anonymous Poster

Feb 1, 2007, 12:16 AM

Post #4 of 23 (49223 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

i have a honda civic 1993 si coupe with the same prob i change all the wire to 4 gauge race distrutor and rotor batt,spark plug,only ting to change is computer but honda say it ingnator or coil inside cap distrubutor so try that


Feb 1, 2007, 11:07 PM

Post #5 of 23 (49222 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

I think you are all on the right track. Sound like the fuel system is working if your all smelling gas.
Have any of you pulled a plug wire and cranked the enigne (while it is hard starting) to verifiy if you have any spark??
If not I think the Coil would be a good place to start.
Little tip. call a Honda dealer and ask a parts counter person what parts they sell the most of!! It seems like a common problem couldn't hurt to ask.

Anonymous Poster

Jul 6, 2007, 7:42 AM

Post #6 of 23 (48552 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

i changed my fuel pump / sending unit / fuel filter fresh from the nearest UPULL IT / junkyard the car doesn't stall any more.

on the side of the cluster....have you tried checking out the main switch relay / fuses?

Anonymous Poster

Aug 2, 2007, 3:16 AM

Post #7 of 23 (48265 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

i got the same problem here

Anonymous Poster

Aug 20, 2007, 3:38 PM

Post #8 of 23 (48070 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Just got this problem.. 1993 Civic... Normally I just use it for work, Mon to Friday. THis morning I could not start it. Kept turning and turning but did not start. Even though it still has power I tried to jump it and start. That did not work either. Tow truck coming tomorrow.

Anonymous Poster

Aug 27, 2007, 4:27 AM

Post #9 of 23 (47991 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

the number 1 probloms with all hondas is the coil and ignition control mod inside the distributor. When u get to high miles 100k and over the coil and ignition control mod tend to ware because all the electicity. When they go out the engine will turn over and you will smell gas that means you have no spark. its a fairly simple thing to fix but if u dont know how to fix it dont touch it because u will need to know where to connect the wires and trust me u dont want to mix them up your best bet just buy a new distributor and dont mix up the spark plug wires do 1 wire at a time

this is the control mod in the distributor dont mix the contectors up see 4 of them

this is the coil could be bad

the rotor always good to replace

same with the cap good to replace

NOW remember just going down the highway at 3000 rpm 1 spark plug fiers up to 25 times per secound think 100k miles WOW

Anonymous Poster

Aug 27, 2007, 12:49 PM

Post #10 of 23 (47984 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

thanks for the help i was having the same problem just serched on google and ended up finding this forum. thanks again

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Anonymous Poster

Sep 5, 2007, 12:38 PM

Post #11 of 23 (47875 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Had the same problem and replaced the distributor. Immediately afterwards, the check engine light started to come on (didn't before). Anyone else had this problem? Now they are saying it is my computer.......

Anonymous Poster

Sep 11, 2007, 9:29 AM

Post #12 of 23 (47806 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

i have the same problem but it only happens now and again and i found out it was my alarm screwing everything up so i just click the alarm on and then off again and it starts right after i do that and the speed sensors are known to go but try wiggling the wires where it pluggs in cause my wires pulled rite out somehow

Anonymous Poster

Oct 23, 2007, 3:37 PM

Post #13 of 23 (47272 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

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Hi! I have a Honda Civic 1993 117000 miles. If I get to start it, it starts fine after it has warmed up but when I leave it for a long time, like leave it overnight, when I start it, the motor turns/crank and I struggle to make it start. Sometimes it wouldn't start at all and then my battery becomes dead, and it's a new battery. Starter changed, distributor changed, ignition system checked and fine. Don't know what's wrong. Plus, the car smells gas but there is no leak anywhere, please help, I need a car to go to work. My speedometer won't work. Sometimes it works when the car has been driven a long time, say 15 minutes. Thanks for your help!

Anonymous Poster

May 19, 2008, 1:23 PM

Post #14 of 23 (44910 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

In Reply To
Hi! I have a Honda Civic 1993 117000 miles. If I get to start it, it starts fine after it has warmed up but when I leave it for a long time, like leave it overnight, when I start it, the motor turns/crank and I struggle to make it start. Sometimes it wouldn't start at all and then my battery becomes dead, and it's a new battery. Starter changed, distributor changed, ignition system checked and fine. Don't know what's wrong. Plus, the car smells gas but there is no leak anywhere, please help, I need a car to go to work. My speedometer won't work. Sometimes it works when the car has been driven a long time, say 15 minutes. Thanks for your help!

Anonymous Poster

Jun 21, 2008, 11:25 PM

Post #15 of 23 (44508 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

i have 93 civic and i had that problem and i fixed it by replacing my valve cover gasket...seems it went bad and fast same with the little O rings around the spark plug holes but spent like $30 for new gasket and parts and rain or snow or even morning dew wont stop this car


Jun 25, 2008, 3:04 PM

Post #16 of 23 (44454 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

good luck with it

Anonymous Poster

Jun 30, 2008, 2:32 PM

Post #17 of 23 (44391 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Just had to have my 93 civic towed. It died, cranks fine but wouldn't re-fire, and smells like burnt electrical wiring smell coming from behind the center of the dash.

I didn't sit long before I disconnected the ground side of the battery just in case this was a live short to ground somewhere.

I pulled the fuses one at a time and they have survived somehow. I also had a spare main relay for the ECU and Fuel pump. Still nothing.

Looks like I'm in for some long serious testing if I want to bring my civic back to life again.

Anonymous Poster

Nov 12, 2008, 11:23 PM

Post #18 of 23 (42910 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

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Had the same problem and replaced the distributor. Immediately afterwards, the check engine light started to come on (didn't before). Anyone else had this problem? Now they are saying it is my computer.......

Sounds to me that u goten a difected distributor alot of times this hapeens with rebuild distributor if u have a friend that has the same car try changing the distributor to make sure

Anonymous Poster

Jan 24, 2009, 1:58 PM

Post #19 of 23 (42082 views)
  post locked   post icon Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

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My 1996 civic dx just did this a few weeks ago. did you ever find out the problem?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 24, 2009, 2:04 PM

Post #20 of 23 (42079 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Hey - Thread started almost four years ago! Start a new one with specifics for your car,


Anonymous Poster

Jun 16, 2009, 12:15 PM

Post #21 of 23 (40394 views)
  post locked   post icon Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Actually I'm pretty happy I just found it, its exactlly whats happening to mine. So I guess it really doesn't matter when it was started the info still seems relavent. humm......

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jun 16, 2009, 12:30 PM

Post #22 of 23 (40391 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

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Actually I'm pretty happy I just found it, its exactlly whats happening to mine. So I guess it really doesn't matter when it was started the info still seems relavent. humm......

If this info was sufficient for you then that is great and just what the archives are here for but if you have any further questions then please start a new question for that.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Jun 16, 2009, 12:33 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 16, 2009, 7:55 PM

Post #23 of 23 (40382 views)
  post locked   Re: Honda Civic 93 starting problem  

Ditto: Start new threads - it you think we want to read pages of info on something similar from years ago you are wrong. Glad you could find the info out of archives but it's plain rude when folks say "it's just like that and it's a mile long thread" that we have to read from the beginning to have a clue!

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