Amsoil Motor Oil and CarJunky
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Jun 17, 2005, 11:53 AM
Post #1 of 10
Amsoil Motor Oil and CarJunky
CarJunky has teamed up with amsoil for many reasons. 1) Great products for our customers. 2) Extra income to help the site grow and develop (cover site expenses) - Each purchase helps. 3) Amsoil Helps you save TIME & MONEY, in addition it helps the Environment. - Changing to amsoil and change your oil twice a year, will save at least 10 quarts of used oil per car..... Imagine 1 Million cars using this? Thats, 10,000,000 less quarts of used oil waste. (besides it doesn't hurt to run the best oil in your vehicles) - Amsoil is "100% Made In America" like things use to be. - 0% dependence on Foreign oil - Amsoil only works through it's dealers. (Loyalty) - Using Amsoil will save you Time (less oil changes a year) - 7500 mile change OR 25,000 mile oil change...... So as little as one time a year... - Added Bonus, the Business side of Amsoil. - Become a Amsoil Dealer for as little as $30. If you where to spend $100 on oil in a year your dealership is paid for with your discount. - refer your friends (make up to 20% off their purchases FOR Helping them out as well) Get this one. Scientist have just created "Synthetic Blood cells" Amsoil has been making Synthetic oil since the early 70's. For more about Amsoil. Click Here a free Catalog
(This post was edited by carjunky on Mar 31, 2006, 12:03 PM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jun 17, 2005, 2:23 PM
Post #2 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Interesting product. I use Mobil 1 in everything right now. All my vehicles have grease fittings so I can't go the extreme mileage and would change it anyway at about 3,000 miles. Where is it sold? Tom
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Jun 17, 2005, 4:20 PM
Post #3 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Tom, I know how you feel. I cringed at going over the 3000k mile mark, and I use to run Mobil 1 and liked it a lot. I would love the comfort of going to about 3,500 and knowing I was running "The Good Stuff" But after talking to some people They are saying that Amsoil is the stuff, always has been, they just prefer word of mouth, compared to the Mobil name. What won me over is finding out that its pretty big in the Airplane market.... And I guess when your flying you'd run the best stuff to if your life was on the line lol. You actually order it straight through the Amsoil website. (Click the Amsoil image on the forum) or call the 800 number from the amsoil website and talk with them directly , ask them any questions. Great company. And if you tell them referral# 1312987 sent you, CarJunky would get a 20% commission from them for your sales. Amsoil Site If you decide to order consider this some things to consider. Buying through the Free Catalog, you'll pay full price. If you join up as a preferred customer you get 10-20% off there listed prices. But, it cost $10 for 6 months. $20 for a year. (worth it if you order more then $100 worth of stuff) The better option, (CarJunky did this) is pay either $15 for 6 months, or $30 for the year and become a "Dealer". All this means is you now can get the same benefits as a "Preferred customer" but, if you have friends in the automotive world (and I know you have quiet a few) you could refer them and you would make a 20% commision on their purchases as well or just Refer "Retail accounts", and you'd get 20% of their purchases. And "commercial accounts" you would get 10%. So If you signed up a store and they bought $1000 worth of products, you would get $200 for that year, and as long as you pay your yearly membership.... the accounts are yours for life. So that $200 commission could basically pay for your oil every year. It's really a great little part-time business. The MLM part gets so detailed, that I'll keep it simple for now. It took us a few months to fully understand the program. I'm currently running their 25,000k oil but will change it ever year. Going to save the enviroment an extra 15 quarts a year of wasted oil. Plus pick up a few hours of oil changing time. Its a funny Company, you could buy the Oil because it's the Best stuff out there or To generate a second income either way amsoil treats you like friend. Just mail the applications to: Amsoil Inc. Amsoil Building Superior, WI 54880-1527
(This post was edited by carjunky on Mar 31, 2006, 12:04 PM)
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Jun 17, 2005, 4:52 PM
Post #4 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
After all that there's one more thing... Amsoil will help us Sponsor some racers, so if you race motorcross, or any other type of car racing, or even boat racing let us know. And we will see if they'll help us Sponsor your team. All we would need is some pictures and write ups to use here at CarJunky and to pass on to Corp. Amsoil for publications. So you may be in the next Amsoil racing flyer.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jun 17, 2005, 7:12 PM
Post #5 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Hey - thanks for all that info. I adore quality which is why I was useing synthetics to begin with. Thanks, again, Tom
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Jun 18, 2005, 9:41 AM
Post #6 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
I agree But, the American way has been changed from quality to cheapest. That's why my black & decker drill from 20 years ago still works.... But the plastic, china made one I bought a little over a year ago is giving me problems. The best part with the whole Oil bit Tom, Is. People spend, $20,000 $30,000 even $40,000 thousand dollars on a car today. Yet we bark and complain about paying a few dollars more for the better oil. I use to do it too lol. I see it with regular oil and mobil 1. And the truth is that mobil 1 at walmart is about $4.25 here and Amsoil xl 5w-30 is listed at $5.20 (6-18-2005) But, Mobil 1 doesn't pay us 20% when mobil 1 is sold, but amsoil oil does ($1.04 our piece) So then they are about the same. Yes we also have to look at shipping. But that comes out to $0.75 a quart. So really it's about the shipping difference. Not much when you read the numbers on the oils. PS The (xl-5w-30) is also designed to go 7,500 miles. So if you change mobil 1 every 3,000 miles. your looking at amsoil $5.20, to mobil 1 $8.50. I'm running the seres 2000 which is listed at $8.70 (6-18-2005) BUT, it's rated at 25,000 to 35,000 thousand mile changes.... So yeah its, 6x8.70 = 52.20 plus oil filters x 2 (one for every six months) About $65.00 a year to year and a half. Scar wear between the amsoil series 2000 is 0.374, mobil 1 supersyn 5w-30 is 0.667, pennzoil 5w-30 with purebase 0.848 the smaller the number the less scars. So in the end I pay $65 for a year of driving with the best, compared to my old. $25.(per change) x 4 $102 a year. Plus filters and my TIME for the changes. So I'm ahead right now a little more then $35 a year plus an hour or two. But, I'd rather pay a little more, for quailty, and comfort... The environmental issues are all just Big Bonuses in the bucket. (less used oil waste) And I feel if our governement doesn't want to reduce our waste, We the people should start. Have a good weekend Tom, and other readers.
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Jun 18, 2005, 5:16 PM
Post #7 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Congrats on landing the account. Money is also a good lubricant.
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Jun 20, 2005, 7:25 AM
Post #8 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Thanks for the reply. Landing the account was easy... just filled in the dealer application, and mailed in a $65 dollar check. ( We ordered the business manual as well) it's normally only $30 for a dealership. We are hoping that the added account will help offset the dedicated server cost, with the commissions. I suggest to anyone that may be interested in a little side biz, or even just running some very good lube's in a vehicle to visit the amsoil site. They have a bunch of articles on oil and the process of lubrication.
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Jun 22, 2005, 5:29 AM
Post #9 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Due to a lot of questions about Amsoil motor oil and other products I felt this would be of some help. Amsoil FAQ's then click on Frequent Questions in the top header section This should answer most questions on their products. You can also call the 1-800 number and ask for technical services. Between 9-5 CST.
(This post was edited by carjunky on Jun 22, 2005, 1:45 PM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jun 23, 2005, 7:00 AM
Post #10 of 10
Re: Amsoil and CarJunky
Congrats on landing the contract with Amsoil. I know these sites struggle for bucks and I think that will help both concerns. Best, Tom
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