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How can I Only Display the one or two message boards?

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Apr 29, 2005, 6:01 AM

Post #1 of 1 (5462 views)
How can I Only Display the one or two message boards? Sign In

Using this system you can minimize or maximize the forums you view by pressing either the [+] or [-] signs near the forum name.

Looking Below we condessed the entire forum to a few lines... If you where to press the [+] near Automotive Repair you would only see the message boards under that forum.

This is very helpful if you are only interested in one or two sections of this system, and can help clear out the ones you don't want to view. Below is a minimized view of the boards.

Oh Yeah..... You'll need to be a member for this to work.... Sorry, but hey it's (FREE) just click Sign Up

(This post was edited by carjunky on Apr 29, 2005, 6:27 AM)


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