
Nov 16, 2011, 8:17 PM
Post #1 of 9
Ok, was going to ask this yesterday but forgot. I was at the local coffee shop getting warmed up and bs ing with a couple of other Techs there (its our hang out during lunch breaks). The subject of shop rates came up (again lol). Just curious what the average rate is in your area. In my area low is about $65 (indep) and high $130 (Stealerships). *******ASE Master Automotive Technician, L-1, L-2 and a lot of wallpaper too :-)******
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Nov 16, 2011, 10:28 PM
Post #2 of 9
It's about $70-75 (indep) here in Delaware. -------------------------------------------------------- Your only as good as your tools!
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Nov 17, 2011, 12:07 AM
Post #3 of 9
For what looks like a small area/state everything is wildly diverse here in Massachusetts. Hope this chart shows population density below. Prices, cost of living changes by the mile as do rates for services in general. Dealerships always were more than independents. Guessing as I don't go everywhere but range noticed to date can be 60-120 give or take. It's messed up as Boston proper has no room or parking for this crap and will charge you as much for leaving a car too long as the repair or service! Most move service biz out of those areas as you just can't pay the overhead fixed costs vs just 10 more miles away. Hope this shows..........
If so you can see the black zone. To buy a parking space for just parking can or was up to 1/2 million bucks! You do the math, Tom
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Nov 17, 2011, 12:12 PM
Post #4 of 9
1/2 Mill for parking is crazy.To make up for it the shop rate should be $1500 hour lol. Thanks for the map and info. I'll print it out and bring it to our BS session later today! *******ASE Master Automotive Technician, L-1, L-2 and a lot of wallpaper too :-)******
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Nov 17, 2011, 12:18 PM
Post #5 of 9
Mr Scotty, Thanks for your input. Looks like our rates are about the same. I currently charge $65 (Low overhead in the Mobile Business) when I was operating before I shut down and reopened I was charging $95 but didnt feel right doing that high. BUT if I get a call at 3am and the customer is being an a#@ he'sgoing to get an additional service charge lol. The other Mobile are charging $90 and up, I guess thats why I get swamped.... *******ASE Master Automotive Technician, L-1, L-2 and a lot of wallpaper too :-)******
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Nov 17, 2011, 1:05 PM
Post #6 of 9
Those prime OWNED parking spaces are called "Park-a-miniums"" lighted, guarded. Doesn't end there so add on the maintenance fee/mo like a condo fee and up to 2.5% per year property tax on it's assessment! You can't do biz with those either! Prices must be 1/2 that now but still insane. I think in US Boston and NYC are the only two major cities where MOST folks don't own a car at all. I'm West of all that crap, Tom
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Nov 17, 2011, 1:26 PM
Post #7 of 9
Tom that is insane. But I guess in those areas everything is within walking distance or have a good public transport system. Surprisesd the shop rates arent even higher in those areas due to the housing, parking etc.. situations there. I was thinking of raising my rates due to new taxes and epa regs coming out up here. I still make a good/decent profit now so... and not trying to make a "killing" I am at the point were I want to give back to my loyal clients more and more (especially with the econemy as it is) and raising rates doesnt do that. But rebates/discounts etc does. I have been doing customer loyality cards though.... The debate at the coffee shop is very interesting and they come up with good points to raise the rates (i.e. tech training costs, tools, overhead which is raising, taxes and other stuff) for the regular shops. The only thing that affects me are gas prices, training my techs, new taxes and epa regs, but not enough for me to justify raising yet *******ASE Master Automotive Technician, L-1, L-2 and a lot of wallpaper too :-)******
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Nov 17, 2011, 11:24 PM
Post #8 of 9
Yes, it is insane - love it or leave it. I don't go there and know of zero car repair shops in Boston itself. There's ONE gas station if still there! Small city and can walk if you can walk to most places. Mass transit has been there forever once called the MTA now just "the T" widly used by commuters who commute to parking lots just outside the city to take the "T" in?! Not for me as said. Famous song by the Kingston Trio about the MTA, age old just black and white verson........... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VMSGrY-IlU Why Boston ever developed is a mystery as Rhode Island (once part of Mass) has infinately better real estate for ocean vessels, cargo ships and just a stone's throw South? Little tide vs Beantown used to come and go prior to any engine for shipping vessels. Wasn't my job LOL, T
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Nov 17, 2011, 11:44 PM
Post #9 of 9
Good clip about Charlie lol. I like some of the oldies stuff. No shops in Boston, guess we should open one, you finance, build and get it going and I'll sit in the S/M's office and sleep lol. Hey isn't "click and clack" from there? I used to listen to them on public radio a few years ago. Told the guys about that area today and the only response was "damn and we think its bad here"lol..... One of the stealerships just dropped their shop rates to $110 from $130 BUT canned two techs and looking at cuting a couple of bays out. *******ASE Master Automotive Technician, L-1, L-2 and a lot of wallpaper too :-)******
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