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1600 Vulcan cruiser front axle removal

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Oct 16, 2012, 12:54 AM

Post #1 of 2 (2871 views)
1600 Vulcan cruiser front axle removal Sign In

Hi, I have a 2003 Kawasaki Vulcan Cruiser. I want to replace my front tire and want to drop the wheel myself. Can anyone tell me if the front axle is a left hand thread or right hand thread... I tried breaking it to the left but with no luck and I don't want to get very ruff with it until I'm sure which way it's threaded... Hope someone can help...Thank you...Pete

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Oct 16, 2012, 7:58 PM

Post #2 of 2 (2808 views)
Re: 1600 Vulcan cruiser front axle removal Sign In

Can't say as I've seen one that had left hand threads. Maybe yours has Loctite on the threads from factory which would make it hard to break loose. Good idea to stop first and check so you don't break anything. I'd try looking up the part online and zoom in on the picture of it until you can see the direction of the threads.


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