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May 8, 2005, 7:40 PM

Post #1 of 1 (20764 views)
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AngelicCoolAuto Thrill Show video

Auto Thrill / Free Video Download
Charlie Belknap's Hollywood Stunt Show Video.
This Hell Driver Video was provided by Charlie Belknap's Hollywood Stunt Show and produced by Tom Murphy & Associates, Inc.
It is a large file but worth watching. Expect it to take a few minutes to download as it is 320x240 and 5:28 minutes long.
Download Video any time for Free. Official home of past and present elite stunt drivers for the 21st Century.
an Official site , There you'll see Pierre J. Lachance
wood vehicle models he made for the drivers for over 35 years.
Pierre is considered the King of wood automotive crafts by the Press Media.
You'll see Evel Knievel XR750 Harley Davidson wood stunt bike model.
We even got the only World build Molson Vancouver Indy Firestone Firehawk wood car model replica.
Maybe one of you who like a wood stunt vehicle build?
Please visit Pierre Lachance project gallery online.
Lots of free stuff ,Posters,Sticker,Images and more.
Thank's alot for posting us.
Pete Chance
Auto Thrill Show video
Auto Thrill / Free Video Download
Charlie Belknap's Hollywood Stunt Show Video.
This Hell Driver Video was provided by Charlie Belknap's Hollywood Stunt Show and produced by Tom Murphy & Associates, Inc.
It is a large file but worth watching. Expect it to take a few minutes to download as it is 320x240 and 5:28 minutes long.
Download Video any time for Free.

(This post was edited by carjunky on Dec 8, 2006, 6:14 PM)


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