Proper Driving Techniques Save Money on Gas
Being a good driver is not only the law it is also a smart way to save money on gas. Take a moment to ask yourself whether you do the following: fast starts from stop lights; constant pressure on the gas pedal; braking at the last possible moment; exceeding the speed limit on a regular basis. Most drivers can improve in all four of these areas.
When taking off from a stop, accelerate gradually to the appropriate speed. Don’t make the mistake of speeding up past the speed limit only to have to use the brake to slow down again. Once you reach the speed limit initially, stay at it along with the flow of traffic.
Similarly, don’t feel like you need to keep constant pressure on the gas pedal. Instead, train yourself to take your foot off of the pedal, especially when approaching a stop. Coast to the stop and then brake near the end. Every technique of efficiency helps to improve your gas mileage.
Proper Car Maintenance Saves Money on Gas
Proper maintenance of your automobile will enable the engine to work efficiently. Changing the oil on time is the most important way to protect your engine. Caring for the fluids, belts, and filters promotes engine health. An efficient and clean engine will make a remarkable difference in your wallet.
Proper Planning Saves Money on Gas
When gas is expensive we need to change our driving habits. Planning car trips ahead of time allows you to be thoughtful about your day. Combine errands into fewer trips and consolidate trips to closer locales. Consider rearranging your schedule to get the most out of every trip. Every good decision that you make ahead of time will extend the life of your tank of gas.
Drive smart, take care of your car, and plan your trips properly in order to save money on gas.