"Our system is unique because we have the only system that can convert a standard vehicle into a flex-fuel vehicle while simultaneously protecting the engine from the acids that can form when burning E85," said Bill R. Smith, president of XcelPlus.
The FlexTek was designed to help consumers take advantage of the wide availability of ethanol fuels. Ethanol has been available at the fuel pump in Brazil for 30 years. The FlexTek kit, as sold in the United States, includes a controller unit, which installs easily in most modern vehicles with no modifications, and engine protection chemicals, which permanently plate internal engine parts to protect them from wear and oxidation.
XcelPlus' line of engine protection chemicals have been on the market in the U.S. for more than 30 years and have been tested and proven by government agencies such as NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy. The FlexTek carries a warranty that covers not only the box itself, but also the vehicle's engine.
FlexTek conversion technology was developed by AGE Technologies in Brazil, a company that was recently acquired by XcelPlus. While several other companies have attempted to reverse engineer the technology, the reverse-engineered products have been found to cause performance problems and even damage engines.
For these reasons, the Hyundai Motor Car Company decided to test FlexTek technology to use in its factory-built flex-fuel vehicles. The tests are being conducted in Australia as Hyundai prepares to enter the Brazilian flex-fuel market.
For more information on converting your vehicle to run on E85, visit www.flextek.com or call 800-472-7409.