Drive Alert Master

A large number of car accidents are caused by a lack of attention to the road. Sometimes it is because the driver is distracted by a phone call or the stereo, or even other passengers.

Sometimes a driver’s attention wavers because they have been driving for so many hours that they become hypnotized by the road, become fatigued, and don’t notice their environment changing around them.

At it’s most extreme, this fatigue can segue into sleep. Falling asleep behind the wheel, even for a few seconds, can spell disaster.

While some drivers attempt to log long hours behind the wheel by drinking coffee or taking stimulants, the distances between pit stops can sometimes be long. If you are too tired to drive, you shouldn’t try to prop yourself up with chemicals, you should pull off the road and take a nap.

The paradox becomes, if you are growing too tired to notice what is happening around you, how will you be able to catch yourself falling asleep in time to prevent tragedy? The Drive Alert Master is a product designed to keep watch over you and make sure you don’t end up on the wrong side of a statistical column.

The Drive Alert Master fits around the ear of the driver. It is small and lightweight, and you probably won’t even notice you have it on. Although innocuous, this tiny device contains a sensor that detects head movement. If your head starts to pitch forward, it emits a piercing electronic noise directly into your ear, shocking you awake.

You can easily set the angle at which you want the device to spring into action, allowing you to decide how vigilant you wish the Drive Alert Master to be.

With a device such as this, instead of trying to mask your fatigue, you can be kept awake in a moment of drowsiness and be alerted to the fact that you should park the car and get some rest. Safety begin with awareness, and the Driver Alert Master is an excellent companion for long solo drives.