Retire Your Ride Recycling Program

The Retire Your Ride recycling program is a national car recycling program in Cananda and it celebrates a successful first year. Find out about this older car retirement program that recycles these older vehicles.

(NC)—Since the launch of the program last year, Retire Your Ride, Canada's National Vehicle Recycling Program, has seen tremendous success. In less than a year, the program has successfully retired and responsibly recycled more than 60,000 1995 or older model vehicles, with another 11,200 applications pending.

The Retire Your Ride program is delivered nationally by Summerhill Impact, funded by the Government of Canada and supported by a network of experienced regional delivery agents across the country, as well as a national network of automotive recyclers. It is designed to effectively and efficiently retire 1995 model year or older vehicles in an effort to improve air quality and encourage the use of sustainable transportation.

By surpassing its goal of retiring 50,000 vehicles in just 11 months, Retire Your Ride is positively impacting the environment by reducing smog-forming emissions by more than 2,600 tonnes. The program is also successfully encouraging participants to use sustainable transportation - more than one in five participants have decided not to replace their vehicle, but instead walk, bike or use public transit to get around.

For owners of 1995 model year or older vehicles, here are some compelling reasons to participate in Retire Your Ride:

• A car built before 1995 emits 19 times more smog-forming emissions than 2004 and newer vehicles.

• Seventy-five per cent of an average car's content by weight can be recycled.

• If your old car isn't properly drained of its oil, gasoline and refrigerants, and if its mercury switches are not removed, these hazardous materials can end up in Canadian landfills and seep into our air, soil and water.

• Retire Your Ride recyclers reuse components of the vehicles that are safe to reclaim and do not contribute to the vehicle's emissions, thus reducing the need to manufacture new parts.

• Retire Your Ride offers great incentives to Canadians who retire their 1995 and older model year vehicles.

The program will run for another year, until March 31, 2011. More information on car recycling and the program's success is available online at