The best thing about this is that you have no additional cost factors. You need to replenish nothing. Once you acquire the proper training and tools it's pretty much all income. For the individual looking to start his own business this is perfect which means you don\'t have to own an actual shop, which also means you don\'t have an overhead cost factor. The only thing you will need is gas in your vehicle getting you to and from accounts. In turn you will have the ability to generate a great living.
For the already established businesses ( bodyshops and detail centers) this may be just what you need. Not only does it bump you up on the insurance refe! rral list but now you can offer your customers a speedy option! of dent and ding removal. Customers will appreciate this as well as remember your name which always helps to gain those repeat sales. If you would like to learn more about our Paintless Dent Removal Training courses please feel free to visit our website or contact me personally at 888-780-8724 or Mark Pignatore