"The Prius is a great example," says Pierre Millette, national manager of Toyota Canada. "It runs on both gas and electricity, using the electric motor whenever possible and combining power from the gas engine when necessary.
With the two power sources working together, it increases fuel efficiency, lowers harmful emissions and provides more power."
Toyota Prius |
The reasons behind the growing popularity of hybrids are clear. Hybrid vehicles produce almost 70% fewer smog-forming emissions and pollutants than a conventionally powered new vehicle.
Their efficiency is unmatched. While braking, the vehicle captures this otherwise wasted energy and sends it back to recharge the battery pack, which in turn powers the electric motor.
Though people said it couldn't be done - that a car could be good for the environment and still be fun to drive - today's technology lives up to the ideal.
"The bottom line with hybrids is that you get the best of both worlds," says Millette. "More power from less gas and lower emissions. That's what is continuing to appeal to Canadian drivers."