Free eBook Offers Invaluable Tips

(NC)-As the temperature cools, Canadians across the country are either making preparations to brave the cold or to depart for a sunnier destination.

But whether you stay or head south, there are plenty of easy things you can do to save time, money and help keep you safe during the winter months.

As part of its national public service campaign, "More Mileage for your Money," Uniroyal Tire has partnered with money-saving and financial expert Camilla Cornell to create a free, informational eBook, "Preparing for Winter 101: 'Weather' You Stay or Fly Away," that is chock full of practical and easy tips for making your winter more affordable, safe and fun.

"Preparing for Winter 101" offers families who are staying easy-to-implement advice on topics such as winter driving, preparing your car, home and yard for the cold and how to save money on gas costs.

For Snowbirds, there are plenty of helpful hints for planning a fun and affordable trip, no matter where the road takes them.

"As Canadians, we're used to the cold and everything that comes with it, but there are many easy-to-do things that can better prepare us for winter" said Cornell.

"This eBook offers Canadians very current, valuable information in a quick and easy-to-read format."

To download a free copy of "Preparing for Winter 101," visit