You can buy a vehicle at an auto auction for generally cheaper than you would find anywhere else, but this incorporates the lack of guarantees you would get with a car purchased through a regular dealership. If you train yourself to become an auto auction pro, it could be a very good way to buy cars to turn around for a profit after doing a bit of work to them. Make sure you set your buying price at the time of the auction to avoid overbidding on any vehicles, and settle your account with the block clerk or auction staff, and make sure to get the car’s title.
Because bidding can become competitive, cars at auto auctions usually end up going for fair market value, the same you’d find at a dealership. Many sales are not accepted because the bidding ran too low and the appraisal price was too high. The cars that usually go for bargain prices are older model vehicles and damaged vehicles sold for scrap in ‘as is’ condition.