The first thing you're probably wondering, “Is this safe?” Well worry no more. These schools are not just fly by night quickie operations. The good schools are all accredited and certified so make sure you are with an official school and not just driving out of some guy’s garage. All the best schools will have insurance, certified instructors, and top of the line equipment.
This is not a casual expense you are considering. These schools can be quite a chunk of change so make sure you are getting what you pay for. But what a rush! If high speed driving is what you seek, there is no better way to experience this and not worry about breaking the law and seeing a police car in your rear view mirror.
Nope, here it is all about speed. Learning how to be in control and go fast.
How fast?
How fast do you want to go?
Racing schools come in all levels. There are defensive driving courses, winter safety courses, advance driving techniques as well as all levels of common everyday driving situations like highway safety, ice, rain, snow, etc.
But that’s not what we're talking about is it? What we want is to be like all our heroes that race for a living. Well fear not, there are schools for that as well! From drag racing to high performance racing, it’s all available.
Imagine sitting behind the wheel of a 405 plus horsepower, 6-speed, zero-to-sixty in under four seconds and all of this under your control! This is the type of full throttle, blood pumping, high adrenalin racing experience that is waiting for you.
So who teaches these courses?
Just the best names in racing, that’s who!
There are schools by Bob Bonduarant, Danny McKeever, Jim Russell, Mario Andretti, Frank Hawley, and Roy Hill to just name a few that are all involved in starting schools to share the thrills and excitement of racing with you.
So why are you sitting in that arm chair when you could be sitting in the seat of a high performance racing machine? Check out the available schools in your area and hit the tracks.
The ultimate thrill is waiting for you to join the fun at the track!