Road Surface Layer
This layer is very rough and durable, providing surprisingly effective traction. However, the translucent quality that forms this layer enables sunlight to pass through and harvest energy and electricity from the underlying solar collector cells. This important surface layer is completely weatherproof and can accommodate extremely heavy loads, even in very poor conditions. The main function is to protect the layer below.
Electronics Layer
This second layer contains solar collector cells that contain LEDs. Their caps are able to store the energy generated by the sun for future use. Every Solar Road Panel is capable of generating its own electricity, as well as storing and distributing it effectively.
Base Plate Layer
Attached to vertical risers, the base plate layer is placed on the existing asphalt. The function of this layer is to distribute the sun’s power that is collected from the electronics layer, as well as data signals from devices such as computer, televisions and telephones to residential and commercial buildings connected to the solar roadway. Each of the four sides of the base plate layer enables the data signals and power to pass through them. Because this layer is completely weatherproof, it protects the above electronics layer.
Advantages of A Solar Roadway
The main advantage of this technology is the positive effect on the environment. Current fossil fuels and hazardous batteries can be replaced by renewable energy in order to generate electricity. This can reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions by as much as half. The solar collector cells also prevent the buildup of ice and snow by heating the road in areas with colder climates. This prevents the need for ice and snow and eliminates road closures due to poor weather conditions.