Your car is older than you were when you started driving
A car of model year 1995 and older emits on average 19 times more smog-forming emissions than 2004 and newer vehicles, even if it's well maintained. Therefore, if you are driving a car that is 1995 or older, the negative impact it is having on the environment is much higher than other cars on the road.
Your last visit to the mechanic cost more than your car is worth. Thanks to the number of times you've visited your mechanic this year, you now know him better than your best friend. Not only that, with the amount of money you've spent there over the years, you probably could have replaced your vehicle by now.
Your car seems to be running perfectly
During vehicle emissions tests, cars are evaluated based on their model year, not to current emissions standards. Therefore, even if your car passes an emissions test, it may still be highly polluting when compared with today's average vehicle. Cars manufactured today are designed to increasingly strict vehicle emission regulations – letting you go further with less environmental impact.
If you have seen the signs and are thinking about getting rid of your older vehicle, consider participating in Retire Your Ride, Canada's National Vehicle Recycling Program. Retire Your Ride is a national program designed to effectively and efficiently retire 1995 model year or older vehicles in an effort to improve air quality and encourage the use of sustainable transportation. All cars entered into the program are responsibly recycled and participants are rewarded for making an environmentally-responsible decision and can choose a suite of incentives that includes discounts on transit passes, car share programs and new bicycles.
More information is available online at