The leasing company will look at your credit rating and your credit history as far as payments are concerned. Basically, they do not want to risk not having the vehicle paid for. If you are constantly late on credit card payments or any other bill that is reported to the credit agencies, you should try to have it straightened out prior to going to the dealership.
It is important that you have looked at your credit report before you go to the dealership. You do not want to be surprised. After you get a copy of your credit report review it to make sure that it is accurate. Frequently people have no idea that there are blemishes on their credit report because they never have looked at it. It is important to promptly report anything that is inaccurate on your credit report, as this could save you a lot of money.
In a lease, it is agreed that regular monthly payments will be made. If your credit report shows that you hardly ever make payments on time and in the full amount due, odds are your lease interest rate is going to be higher and your down payment is going to be much larger. This is done to ensure the company gets the money they are owed because you are now considered to be a high risk to the company.
If you have credit cards or over due bills that are in collection, it might be wise to take care of those prior to trying to get a lease vehicle. Not only can this save you from future embarrassment but it can also save you some money in the long run.